.. _new-bap-subscribers-dashboard:

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The **Subscribers** landing page in the Business Admin Portal provides an overview of
subscribers and services at the current hierarchy, as well as access to general subscriber
management functions, such as view all subscribers (lists), move or add subscribers,
bulk add subscriber, and access to subscriber profiles.

.. note::

   * To access this page (default menu), click **Subscribers** in the left-side menu.
   * In a Microsoft-only environment, a system administrator can configure the 
     Business Admin Portal to display only Microsoft-related subscribers and services. See 
     Business Admin Portal profiles in the Core Feature Guide.  

The table describes functionality available from the Subscribers landing page:

=============== ====================================================================
Counters        Cards displaying the total number of subscribers and/or users, and
                services (e.g, phones, voicemails, etc.) at the hierarchy.


                * When multi-vendor is *enabled* in the applied Business Admin
                  Portal profile, the counter displays only total number of subscribers.

                * When multi-vendor is *disabled* in the applied Business Admin
                  Portal profile, the counter displays a total for subscribers and users.

                Click on a card to open the list view for the service or resource.
=============== ====================================================================

=============== ====================================================================
Quick Actions   Links to popular services and actions, as defined by your
                administrator. Examples:

                * **View All Subscribers**: opens a summary list view of all
                  subscribers at the selected hierarchy.

                  * Click in a row to open a subscriber's dashboard, where you
                    can view and edit the subscriber and their services. On the
                    dashboard you can click the Plus icon (+) in a service
                    card to add a new service.

                  * Fields are pre-populated for some services, based on the
                    selected Quick Add Group (QAG), and on other configuration
                    templates chosen when adding the subscriber.

                * **Add Subscriber**: opens a page to add a new subscriber.
                  Here you can:

                  * Add a mobile number, phone name, and a line.
                  * Choose a subscriber profile, which defines the
                    services the subscriber can have.

                    .. note::
                       * The default subscriber profile (if available)
                         can only be deleted by a system-level administrator.
                       * Subscribers cannot be added if the selected subscriber profile
                         has no services enabled. 

                  * Choose to send a welcome email, provided:

                    * SMTP server is set up
                    * The global setting **Allow email to be sent to user after
                      Quick Add Subscriber** is enabled for the hierarchy
                      (on the Email tab of the Global Settings).

                    The welcome email is sent to the subscribers email address,
                    using the configured "Quick Add Subscriber" HTML email
                    template applicable to the hierarchy. See Email in the
                    Core Feature Guide.

                * On the **Services** panel:

                  * View services assigned to the subscriber via the profile.
                  * By default, service names are auto-generated (based on
                    username). To override the phone name and line details,
                    clear the relevant checkboxes, and manually enter new
                  * When editing a subscriber, **New Services** does not
                    display already assigned services, or services where
                    the necessary servers aren't set up (for example,
                    Unity Connection is required for voicemail).

                * **Bulk Add Subscribers**: opens the Bulk Add Subscriber page, 
                  where you can add a number of subscribers at once. For each 
                  user you must provide: user ID, first name, last name, 
                  email address, mobile number, and profile (to determine 
                  the services available during bulk add).

                  The system automatically generates values for the 

                  * Phone name (generated format is: ``BAT<random number>``) (Cisco)
                  * Line (assigned as the next available and unused 
                    number, from the internal number inventory. Use next 
                    available line = True

                * **Move Subscriber** allows the customer admin (or higher) 
                  to move a subscriber:

                  * From customer level to a site
                  * From one site to a different site for the same customer.
                  * From one site to another site, for example, on a different Unified CM cluster and
                    CUCxn cluster
                  See also: :ref:`move-subscriber`. 

                * **Subscriber Profiles** opens the Subscriber Profiles 
                  page, which displays a list of subscriber profiles, 
                  with details for name, description, location. See 
                  Subscriber Profiles in the Core Feature Guide.
=============== ====================================================================

=============== ====================================================================
User Details    * **Entitlement Profile**: a drop-down for choosing an 
                  entitlement profile to associate with the subscriber.

                  * **Enable IM & Presence** (Cisco)

                    Gives a subscriber access to IM and Presence 
                    (provided the customer is configured for IM and Presence 
                    and the BusinessAdminUserDetailsFDP field display policy, 
                    which defines the fields available on the page, is 
                    configured to show the checkbox).

                    Regardless of the setup of the BusinessAdminUserDetailsFDP 
                    field display policy, the ``previous_username`` and 
                    ``cucm_bkey fields`` don't display since these are 
                    used only by the workflows.

                  * **IPCC Extension** (Cisco)

                    Displays all lines the subscriber has for IPCC extension, and 
                    may be enabled via the BusinessAdminUserDetailsFDP field 
                    display policy (when ``ipccExtension`` and 
                    ``ipccRoutePartition`` is enabled).

                    For the drop-down to display however: 

                    * A CCX device must exist and be available for the 
                    * Contact Center service must be configured and 
                      available for the hierarchy.
                    * The subscriber entitlement profile must allow support for 
                      Contact Center
                    The **IPCC Route Partition** drop-down displays once 
                    you choose a line (Cisco). 

Service cards       A service card displays for each service assigned and 
                    available to subscriber, and provides access to MACD 
                    functions allowed by the Business Admin profile.
=============== ====================================================================

.. rubric:: Related Topics

  .. raw:: latex

     View Subscribers in the Business Admin Guide

  .. raw:: html

     <a href="concepts-view-subscribers-bap.html">View Subscribers</a>

  .. raw:: latex

     Subscriber Profiles in the Business Admin Guide

  .. raw:: html

     <a href="concepts-config-BAP-subscriber-profiles.html">Subscriber Profiles</a>

  .. raw:: latex

     Multi-vendor Subscribers in the Core Feature Guide

  .. raw:: html

     <a href="../concepts-multi-vendor-subscribers.html">Multi-vendor Subscribers</a>