.. _concepts-config-BAP-overview:

Business Admin Portal Configuration Overview

.. _19.1.1|VOSS-514:

In VOSS-4-UC version 19.1.1 (or higher), a number of mechanisms are introduced to
allow the Business Admin Portal (BAP) to be customized for different customers
and even different roles within an organization.

The following aspects of the portal can be customized

* Role based access control (see: :ref:`concepts-config-BAP-profiles`)

  * Access to features (menu items) 
  * Access to MACDs / Day 2 functions
  * Access to dashboard widgets (charts etc.)
* Look and feel (see: :ref:`concepts-config-BAP-custom-themes-branding`)

  * Branding / theming
  * Field visibility, order, title and help text
* Configuration Templates

  * Subscriber Profiles (service profiles) (see: :ref:`concepts-config-BAP-subscriber-profiles`)
  * Available phone types with related configuration (see: :ref:`concepts-config-BAP-phone-configuration-mapping`)
  * Line templates
* User level customization

  * Saved searches
  * UI user preferences

For all of the above, default profiles and templates have been created and will
be added to the system during an upgrade to 19.1.1 (or higher).

In previous versions of VOSS-4-UC, BAP was disabled by default and needed to be
enabled. In 19.1.1 (or higher) however, BAP will be enabled by default and must
specifically be disabled if so required.

It is important that the defaults are reviewed and if required, be cloned
(overridden) and amended to fit the requirements of the deployment.