.. _bap-enable-conference-now: Enable User to Host Conference Now ----------------------------------- .. _21.1|VOSS-795|EKB-1059: This procedure allows a subscriber to host a conference. .. note:: Conference Now is a Cisco Call Manager Ad Hoc conference service, available only to Cisco users. See the Cisco Unified Communications Manager documentation for more information about Conference Now. **Prerequisite**: * Configure the **CUCM User Details** field display policy to show the **Enable User To Host Conference Now** setting on the pop-up that displays when selecting **Update User (Cisco User)** in the Quick Actions: * In the VOSS-4-UC Admin interface, go to (default menu navigation) **Customizations > Field Display Policies**). * Add the following field: ``mvs_cucm_user.enableUserToHostConferenceNow`` .. note:: Only fields prefixed ``mvs_cucm_user`` may be added to the Cisco settings pop-up. * In the Business Admin Portal the subscriber you're editing must have a Cisco user. There are two ways to add a Cisco user in the Business Admin Portal: Open the Subscriber from the list view; then, choose an option: * Click **Add Cisco User (Profile)**, (adds a Cisco user from profiles); or, * Click **Add Cisco User (QAS)** (adds a Cisco user from Quick Add Subscriber). .. note:: This procedure enables a user to host Conference Now from within the Business Admin Portal (via the Subscribers dashboard Quick Links). There are three options for enabling this feature in the VOSS-4-UC Admin interface: * On the Details tab of the CUCM Users[username] page), or; * When adding a subscriber using Quick Add Subscriber (via the Quick Add Group and a CUCM user template that has Conference Now enabled), or; * When adding a subscriber from profiles, and selecting a user template that has Conference Now enabled **Perform these steps**: 1. Log in to the Business Admin Portal. #. In the left menu, click (default menu) **Subscribers** to open the Subscribers landing page. #. Click **View All Subscribers** to open the Subscribers list. #. Locate the relevant user; then, click in the row to open the Subscribers[subscriber name] dashboard. #. In the **Quick Actions** pane, click **Update User (Cisco User)** to open the pop-up displaying the Cisco settings available for editing via the quick actions link. At the time of writing, options are: ==================================== ======================================= **Field** **Description** IM and Presence Enable Displays by default IPCC Extension Displays by default; drop-down list showing a list of user associated line/route partitions Enable User To Host Conference Now Defines whether to allow a user to host a conference. Meeting Number Displays only when **Enable User to Host Conference Now** is enabled. Attendee Access Code Displays only when **Enable User to Host Conference Now** is enabled. ==================================== ======================================= #. Select **Enable User To Host Conference Now**. The meeting number and attendee access code displays. |bap-enable-user-to-host-conference-now| #. Click **Submit**. The Cisco user is updated. .. |bap-enable-user-to-host-conference-now| image:: /src/images/bap-enable-user-to-host-conference-now.png