Get Instance Transactions ------------------------- The status of a specific transaction can be retrieved by using a GET call to ``/tool/Transaction`` for a specific transaction pkid (also referred to as transaction ID or transaction_id). The transaction_id is available in for example the synchronous response to an asynchronous mutator transaction. For example, if the transaction_id in the response is ``[pkid]``, then the transaction can be polled with: :: GET https://<server_address>/api/tool/Transaction/[pkid] The GET response ``data`` section of the JSON content for a transaction also shows: * ``submitter_host_name``: the host name of the application node that scheduled the transaction. * ``processor_host_name``: the host name of the application node that processed the transaction (this value will only be set once the transaction is processed). On a clustered system, these attributes make it possible to distinguish between the application nodes on which the transaction was respectively scheduled and processed. Refer to the examples in the API Response topics, in particular, the topics POST/PUT/DELETE/PATCH Response and Asynchronous Mutator Transaction Status Callback. .. |VOSS-4-UC| replace:: VOSS-4-UC .. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM