Transaction Choices ------------------- A URL endpoint and parameter is available to list the transaction actions as they may be shown in the transaction log. * The API call to get the list of transaction actions uses the parameter and value: ``field=action``, for example: :: GET api/tool/Transaction/choices/? field=action& hierarchy=[hierarchy]& format=json The output shows the list of transaction actions: :: [ { "value": "Auto Migrate Base Customer Dat", "title": "Auto Migrate Base Customer Dat" }, { "value": "Auto Migrate Base Provider", "title": "Auto Migrate Base Provider" }, { "value": "Auto Migrate Base Site Dat", "title": "Auto Migrate Base Site Dat" }, { "value": "Auto Migrate Dial Plan", "title": "Auto Migrate Dial Plan" }, { "value": "Auto Migrate Feature Subscriber Phone Cft", "title": "Auto Migrate Feature Subscriber Phone Cft" }, { "value": "Auto Migrate Hotdial Data", "title": "Auto Migrate Hotdial Data" }, { "value": "Auto Migrate Init Ippbx", "title": "Auto Migrate Init Ippbx" }, { "value": "Auto Migrate Internal Number Inventory", "title": "Auto Migrate Internal Number Inventory" }, ... .. |VOSS-4-UC| replace:: VOSS-4-UC .. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM