
You can obtain the schema for a resource in the request parameter: ``?format=json&schema=true``.  
This way of requesting the schema is only available when requesting an Add form or when viewing a resource.

A specific URI is also available for obtaining the schema of a resource:

.. .. http:get:: /api/(str:model_type)/(str:model_name)/schema/?format=json&hierarchy=pkid

GET /api/(str:model_type)/(str:model_name)/schema/?format=json&hierarchy=pkid

The JSON schema uses the IETF draft-zyp-json-schema-03 ( and

The schema provides the properties of a field for each object in the schema describing the data of a resource:

  * **$schema**:  The schema URI, currently
  * **title**:  This is the default field name.
  * **required**: The property and value **true** value is a property if the field is mandatory
  * **type**: The data type of the field. See the definitions and conventions in use. If the data type is:

    * object, then the object itself has a **schema** 
    * array, then it has the property **items**
  * **format**: if the **type** is string, a further format of the string can be selected.
  * **choices**: In the case that the data element takes a value from a specified list of values.
  * **target**: where a resource is linked to another resource, this resource is indicated as the **target**. 
  * **target_attr**: the specific attribute of the **target**.
  * **attr_props**: an object containing the list of properties of each attribute. 
  * **minItems**: minimum number if the data type is an array.
  * **maxItems**: maximum number if the data type is an array.
  * **items**: the specified items if the data type is an array.
  * **documentation** and **description**: text content to document and describe the object.
  * **name**: name of the resource. [a-zA-Z\_] characters are allowed
  * **default**: default value, if specified.
  * **valid_re**: the regular expression that a **string** data type should adhere to.


Refer to the example data as in Data. The schema for the example data provides properties of each element:


   schema: {
    $schema: ""
    type: "object"
    properties: {
    host: {
            required: true
            type: "string"
            title: "Host Name"
    username: {
             required: true
             type: "string"
             title: "Admin Username"
    password: {
             required: true
             type: "string"
             title: "Admin Password"
    version: {
             target: "/api/data/CallManagerVersion/choices/
             format: "uri"
             title: "Version"
             choices: [ ]
             target_attr: "version"
             type: "string"
    port: {
             type: "string"
             title: "Port"
    import: {
             type: "boolean"
             title: "Immediate Import"
    data_sync: {
             target: "/api/data/DataSync/choices/
             title: "Data Sync"
             format: "uri"
             choices: [ ]
             target_attr: "name"
             type: "string"

.. |VOSS-4-UC| replace:: VOSS-4-UC
.. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM