Using the API Reference

For each resource, a study of the general Reference for Actions in
conjunction with the lists of actions for a resource provides the 
reference for the resource. 

The Field Reference for a resource provides payload details. The 
list below explains the Field Reference for a resource:

* The field Title is indicated in bold. An asterisk indicates the field
  is mandatory.
* If the field Type is an array, its the Field Name has a [n] suffix.
* Object and array names are listed to provide the context of fields.
* If a field belongs to an object or an array, the full name is in dot
  separated notation.
* Where cardinality is shown, the range is [MinItems..MaxItems].
* If a field has a Default value, the value is shown.
* If a field has a Pattern, the regular expression pattern is shown.

In addition, a number of conventions are followed some general guidelines 
should be noted.

* The full URL includes the host name: ``https://[hostname]``; for example, ````
* Variables are enclosed in square brackets.
* [hierarchy] is the hierarchy which can be specified as:

  * UUID (Universally Unique Identifier); for example, ``1c012432c0deab00da595101`` or
  * In dot notation; for example, ``ProviderName.CustomerName.LocationName``

  For a list of available hierarchy UUIDs and their dot notations,
  refer to the data in the response of the call:


   GET /api/data/HierarchyNode/?format=json

* [pkid] is the ID of the resource instance. Refer to the List action reference
  for the resource.
* [filename] refers to a file.
* where a custom action (with "+" in the URL) is available, the POST method
  is used to execute the Provisioning workflow with the name following the "+".
  For more information, consult the custom workflow section of the API Guide.

Relations, Domain models, and Views may have parameters where the choices are
constructed from unexposed models (and that may not be available in the API
Reference). You can obtain these choices by using the URL specified in the
``target`` attribute of the schema of parameter. 

To illustrate, below is an extract of the schema for a model called 
relation/SystemUser that contains a parameter SSOUser, which links 
a user in the system to a user in an SSO identity provider server. 
This is done by mapping the SSO user name (sso_username) of the user 
in the SSO server (sso_idp) to a user in |VOSS-4-UC| (data/User).  

The schema of relation/SystemUser shows that the choices that are available from
SSO Identity provider servers are stored in the model data/SsoIdentityProvider.
The list of SSO identity providers could be obtained by using the URL in the
``target`` attribute of the schema.   


   GET /api/relation/SystemUser/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]
The following is an extract of the schema of relation/SystemUser:



   "SSOUser": {
               "items": {
                    "type": "object", 
                    "properties": {
                         "sso_username": {
                              "required": true, 
                              "type": "string", 
                              "description": "The name identifier that is used for 
                                an SSO authenticated user.", 
                              "title": "SSO Username"
                         "sso_idp": {
                              "target": "/api/data/SsoIdentityProvider/choices/
                              "format": "uri", 
                              "required": true, 
                              "choices": [], 
                              "target_attr": "entity_id", 
                              "target_model_type": "data/SsoIdentityProvider", 
                              "title": "SSO Identity Provider", 
                              "type": "string", 
                              "description": "The entity id of the SSO Identity 

.. |VOSS-4-UC| replace:: VOSS-4-UC
.. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM