
.. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{10.5cm}|

| Action        | update (instance) (same for modify)                          |
| title         | Modify an instance of a resource                             |
| method        | PUT                                                          |
| URL           | /api/<resource_type>/<resource_name>/[pkid]                  |
| Parameters    | hierarchy=[hierarchy]                                        |
| Payload       | See the schema of the resource for the payload specification |
| support_async | true                                                         |
| class         | update                                                       |

The update action replaces current resource values with the payload values. The payload
should contain the all the attributes in schema.

The response is a pkid of the updated instance.

To apply a configuration template when creating the resource, use the parameter ``&configuration_template``
(for further information on the API parameter, see the API Guide).

.. |VOSS-4-UC| replace:: VOSS-4-UC
.. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM
.. |API Guide| replace:: API Guide