Searchable Fields¶
All models can be searched for by using their summary attributes. In addition, a number of models can also be searched on by a subset of their attributes.
Below is the list of these models and their searchable fields:
- device/cuc/AlternateExtension
- DtmfAccessId
- IdIndex
- UserObjectId
- ObjectId
- device/cuc/Callhandler
- templateObjectId
- DisplayName
- ObjectId
- DtmfAccessId
- Language
- TimeZone
- VoiceName
- RecipientSubscriberObjectId
- device/cuc/CallhandlerMenuEntry
- DisplayName
- CallHandlerObjectId
- TouchtoneKey
- TransferType
- TransferNumber
- Action
- device/cuc/CallhandlerOwner
- TargetHandlerObjectId
- ObjectId
- device/cuc/CallhandlerTransferOption
- TransferOptionType
- CallHandlerObjectId
- TransferOptionType
- Extension
- Action
- TransferType
- device/cuc/Greeting
- GreetingType
- CallHandlerObjectId
- device/cuc/HtmlDevice
- DeviceName
- DisplayName
- SubscriberObjectId
- ObjectId
- SmtpAddress
- CallbackNumber
- device/cuc/PagerDevice
- DeviceName
- PhoneNumber
- DisplayName
- ObjectId
- SubscriberObjectId
- device/cuc/PhoneDevice
- DeviceName
- PhoneNumber
- DisplayName
- ObjectId
- SubscriberObjectId
- device/cuc/SmsDevice
- DeviceName
- DisplayName
- SubscriberObjectId
- ObjectId
- SmppProviderObjectId
- RecipientAddress
- SenderAddress
- device/cuc/SmtpDevice
- DeviceName
- PhoneNumber
- DisplayName
- SubscriberObjectId
- ObjectId
- SmtpAddress
- device/cuc/User
- Alias
- FirstName
- LastName
- DtmfAccessId
- EmailAddress
- TimeZone
- templateAlias
- ObjectId
- MailboxStoreObjectId
- CallHandlerObjectId
- device/cuc/UserPassword
- Alias
- UserObjectId
- CredentialType
- device/cuc/UserPin
- Alias
- UserObjectId
- CredentialType
- device/cucm/DeviceProfile
- class
- description
- lines
- loginUserId
- name
- phoneTemplateName
- product
- protocol
- services
- softkeyTemplateName
- device/cucm/EnterpriseFeatureAccessConfiguration
- pattern
- routePartitionName
- device/cucm/Line
- alertingName
- description
- asciiAlertingName
- pattern
- routePartitionName
- shareLineAppearanceCssName
- callPickupGroupName
- presenceGroupName
- usage
- device/cucm/Phone
- callingSearchSpaceName
- class
- description
- devicePoolName
- digestUser
- lines
- locationName
- name
- ownerUserName
- phoneTemplateName
- presenceGroupName
- primaryPhoneName
- product
- protocol
- subscribeCallingSearchSpaceName
- ip_address
- status
- device/cucm/PhoneButtonTemplate
- name
- basePhoneTemplateName
- device/cucm/PhoneSecurityProfile
- description
- name
- protocol
- phoneType
- device/cucm/PhoneType
- PhoneType
- ProtocolTemplates
- PhoneNamePrefix
- device/cucm/RemoteDestination
- destination
- name
- ownerUserId
- remoteDestinationProfileName
- dualModeDeviceName
- ctiRemoteDeviceName
- device/cucm/RemoteDestinationProfile
- devicePoolName
- description
- class
- lines
- name
- primaryPhoneName
- product
- protocol
- userId
- device/cucm/RoutePattern
- routePartitionName
- pattern
- destination
- description
- device/cucm/RoutePlan
- dnOrPattern
- partition
- device/cucm/TransPattern
- pattern
- routePartitionName
- calledPartyTransformationMask
- device/cucm/User
- userid
- mailid
- firstName
- lastName
- associatedDevices.device
- lineAppearanceAssociationForPresencesdepartment
- lastName
- primaryDevice
- primaryExtension
- primaryDevice
- phoneProfiles
- status