Zero, Unset, Boolean, Drop, Null and Exists Functions

Function Description Example Output or Result Return a zero value.
fn.unset Return an empty string.
fn.true Return a boolean True.
fn.false Return a boolean False.

Given input context:

  1. {"input": {"field1": {"key1": "value1"}}}
  2. {"input": {"field1": None}}
  3. {"input": {"field1": ""}}
Function Description Example Input and Result
fn.is_none_or_empty Return a boolean if the argument is None or an empty string

input 1.


input 2.


input 3.


Given input context:

 "input": {
   "test": null
Function Description Example Output or Result
fn.null Returns Null. Useful in comparison tests.
(( input.test ==
   fn.null ))
Function Description Example Output or Result
fn.drop Removes the attribute from CFT
Attribute as in existing data
fn.force_null Attribute has Null value
{'name': None}

Useful in Configuration Templates (CFT):

Function fn.drop in a CFT will drop a value from the input data when it is processed through a CFT. Input data without the dropped field is then overlaid onto the existing model data by the workflow code. The final payload data for the value will thus remain the same as in the existing model data.

Example of fn.drop in an if-then-else test from a CFT of a workflow:

"ldapDirectoryName": "(( input.cucm_user_ldapDirectoryName != '' ))
  <{{ input.cucm_user_ldapDirectoryName }}>
  <{{ fn.drop }}"
Function Description Example Output or Result
fn.drop_from_payload Removes the attribute from payload
Attribute “blank”

Useful in Configuration Templates (CFT):

Function fn.drop_from_payload forces a field to not be present in the final payload data. Used in a CFT, it will drop a value from the existing model data after the input data is overlaid onto the existing model data. The value is then not present, i.e. “blanked”.

Example of fn.drop_from_payload in a CFT so that attributes are blanked:

  "meta": {},
  "resources": [
      "data": {
        "name": "ConvertCUCUserCFT",
        "target_model_type": "device/cuc/User",
        "template": {
          "LdapType": "0",
          "LdapCcmUserId": "{{ fn.drop_from_payload }}",
          "LdapCcmPkid": "{{ fn.drop_from_payload }}"
      "meta": {
        "model_type": "data/ConfigurationTemplate",
        "system_resource": true,
        "tags": [

Given input context:

  1. {"input": {"field1": {"key1": "value1"}}}
  2. {"input": {"field1": {"key1": null}}}
  3. {"input": {"field1": ""}}
Function Description Example Input and Result
fn.exists Return a boolean true if the argument is exits and has a non-null value.
{{ fn.exists
   input.field1.key1 }}

input 1.


input 2.


input 3.

fn.exists If the argument does not exist, it is interpreted as a string - which is interpretable, so the function returns true.
{{ fn.exists
   field.key }}

input 1, 2, 3
