LDAP Users and Login

When creating a system user using the LDAP authorization method, specify the LDAP server and the LDAP username. The LDAP username corresponds to the log in Attribute Name specified in the LDAP network connection.

When logging in as an LDAP user, go to the URL:

https://{host name}/login

Regardless of the log in Attribute Name specified in the LDAP network connection, the user email address can be used to log in.

When logging in with LDAP credentials, the username is in the format:

{user ID}[@hierarchy]


  • @hierarchy is not required when the user ID corresponds to the user’s email address.
  • {user ID} corresponds to the log in attribute name (for example email address, user principal name, sAMaccountName). The log in attribute name is configured in the Authentication attribute of the LDAP device connection associated with this hierarchy.
  • The hierarchy is in dot notation and corresponds with the hierarchy to which the user belongs. The hierarchy level is the level at which the user is created.