Configure Your Own Password Reset Questions

Use this procedure to configure your password reset questions:


Configuring your own password reset questions is available only if the credential policy applied to your user account has Number of Questions Asked During Password Reset set to > 0.


  1. Log in to VOSS-4-UC.
  2. Click the arrow next to the logged in user at the top right-hand side of the screen.
  3. Choose the Password Reset Questions option from the drop-down menu. The Password Reset Questions screen is displayed.
  4. Type your password in the Current Password field.
  5. Choose the required security question from the Question drop-down list.
  6. Enter your answer to the above question in the Answer field. All answers should differ from each other.
  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until you have configured the required amount of security questions (as determined by your administrator).
  8. Click the Update Security Questions button in the button bar when complete. Your security questions and answers are updated.