Business Admin Theme Color Reference


Color selection is optional: where no colors are selected, defaults apply.

The classic GUI Element variable below is a descriptive name of the GUI element that will be affected by the Color variable, which corresponds with the color name on the Theme design form.

Element Color Theme GUI Branding tab
$sidebarLogoBgColor $primaryColor Primary Color
$sidebarBgColor $primaryColor Primary Color
$topbarTextColor $primaryLightestColor Very Light Primary Colour
$topbarIconColor $primaryLightestColor Very Light Primary Colour
$submenuBgColor $primaryColor Primary Color
$darkSubmenuBgColor $primaryDarkColor Dark Primary Colour
$horizontalSubmenuBgColor $primaryColor Primary Color
$horizontalSubmenuitemHoverBgColor $primaryColor Primary Color
$horizontalSubmenuitemDarkHoverBgColor $primaryColor Primary Color
$menuitemActiveBgColor $accentColor Accent Color
$subMenuitemActiveTextColor $accentLightColor Light Accent Color
$subMenuitemActiveIconTextColor $accentLightColor Light Accent Color
$darkMenuitemActiveBgColor $accentColor Accent Color
$darksubMenuitemActiveTextColor $accentLightColor Light Accent Color
$darksubMenuitemActiveIconTextColor $accentLightColor Light Accent Color