Workflow Tasks


  1. Log in with the username “hcsadmin@sys.hcs”, using the password that was set during the installation.

  2. Get the Provider Name & Provider PKID using the data/HierarchyNode API in the url, where “hierarchy” = “sys.hcs”.

  3. Note:

    For all POST/PUT/DELETE operations to be asynchronous transactions, set the query param “nowait=true” in the URI.

    To create a provider Admin use the relation/User API in the url, with the hierarchy value that you receive in the get call of Step-1 (PKID or the dot notation).

  4. Note:

    Creating a Reseller is not mandatory, and it depends on the structure of provisioning. A Reseller must be created if the tree structure of the provisioning is: Provider -> Reseller -> Customer -> Site.

    To create a Reseller use the relation/HcsResellerREL API, with the Provider hierarchy of the API of Step-1.

  5. To create a Reseller Admin use the relation/User API in the url, with the hierarchy value of the Reseller (PKID or the dot notation).

  6. To create a Shared Network Device (Cisco Unified Communications Manager or Unity), it needs to be done either at either the Provider Hierarchy or the Reseller Hierarchy Level. Use the following APIs for each of the devices listed below:

    Device API
    Cisco Unified Communications Manager relation/HcsCallManagerREL
    Unity relation/HcsUnityConnectionREL
    Presence relation/HcsPresenceREL
    WebEx relation/HcsWebExREL
  7. Note:

    The Customer is directly under Provider if the deployment structure is Provider -> Customer -> Site or under the Reseller if the deployment structure is Provider ->Reseller ->Customer -> Site.

    To create a Customer use the relation/HcsCustomerREL API, with the hierarchy of provider/reseller that can be retrieved using the respective API.

  8. To create a Customer Admin use the relation/User API in the url, with the hierarchy value of the Customer(PKID or the dot notation).

  9. Note:

    If the Customer is using “shared_uc_apps” then, you cannot add dedicated devices for that customer.

    Adding a Dedicated Network Device for a Customer(Cisco Unified Communications Manager or Unity) needs to be done at the Customer hierarchy Level. Use the following APIs for each of the devices listed below:

    Device API
    Cisco Unified Communications Manager relation/HcsCallManagerREL
    Unity relation/HcsUnityConnectionREL
    Presence relation/HcsPresenceREL
    WebEx relation/HcsWebExREL
  10. Once the devices are configured a Network Device List (NDL) needs to be configured for the Customer. To create an NDL use the relation/HcsNetworkDeviceListREL API. At least one device is required to add an NDL.

  11. Note:

    It is not mandatory to have a Network Device List (NDL) to create a Site. However, an NDL is needed to add a Subscriber or Phone or Lines to a Site. Sites created without an NDL can later be able associated to one.

    To create a site use the relation/HcsSiteREL API.

  12. Note:

    Using the relation/User API will only be local Cisco Unified Communications Domain Manager admin. To add an Admin who is also a Subscriber, use the relation/User API, which can later be moved to any Cisco Unified Communications Manager that is associated with the Site.

    To create a Site Admin use the relation/User API in the url, with the hierarchy value of the Site (PKID or the dot notation).

  13. Complete the following activities at the Site level:

    1. To create a Subscriber use the relation/Subscriber API.
    2. To create a Line use the view/HcsDNMgmtVIEW API.
    3. To create a Phone use the relation/SubscriberPhone API.
    4. To create a Voicemail use the relation/Voicemail API.