
Model: view/UserPhoneMoveUsers_VIEW

Move Subscriber

This feature allows a customer administrator (or higher) to move a subscriber:

This is done using the Move Subscriber form (default menu Subscriber Management > Move Subscriber) as follows:

Subscriber Configuration

Desk Phone Configuration

Jabber/Dual-Mode Device Configuration

See "Configuration Mapping Files" in the Core Feature Guide for more details.

Line Configuration

Creating Lines

When moving to another Unified CM cluster, new lines must be defined. The CSS's for the new lines can be defined, and a configuration template MoveUpdateLineCustom_CFT is available to make custom line updates.

The system performs a check to ensure that the first line across devices is common. All new lines created (or existing lines moved) in the move, will be assigned to SNR. For example, if a Subscriber with 3 lines and a Phone, SoftPhone, DeviceProfile, SNR is moved, all these services will be associated with the 3 lines. The only exception to this is for Voicemail, where the first line is always selected as the Voicemail line.

Moving Lines


If the move is between sites hosted on the same Unified CM cluster, the subscriber data is moved to the new hierarchy and updated as above. It is assumed that the CUCxn (if used) will remain.

If the move is between different Unified CM clusters, the specific move data as defined above is re-provisioned on the new cluster and deleted on the original cluster, except for the Unified CM subscriber. When the Unified CM subscriber is local, the old subscriber is removed.

In the case of an LDAP user, the VOSS-4-UC subscriber is purged. The user is removed from the device/cucm/User model of the source Unified CM in VOSS-4-UC. The home cluster flag is maintained such that it is only set to true on the Unified CM cluster hosting the subscriber, even if the subscriber exists on other Unified CM clusters.

When moving between clusters, the CUCxn server can be retained. In this case, the model instances are moved. In the case that the CUCxn server changes, a new CUCxn subscriber is created against a chosen subscriber template. This will not copy custom settings for the CUCxn subscriber or any recorded prompts and messages.


Existing Services

The following existing services associated to a subscriber will also be moved:

Model Details: view/UserPhoneMoveUsers_VIEW

Title Description Details
Subscriber Name of individual Subscriber who will be moved.
  • Field Name: username
  • Type: String
  • Choices: [" "]
Move From Hierarchy The name of the hierarchy node from which the Subscriber will be moved from if the conditions are satisfied.
  • Field Name: move_from_hn
  • Type: String
Move To Hierarchy The name of the hierarchy node to which the Subscriber will be moved to if the conditions are satisfied.
  • Field Name: move_to_hn
  • Type: String
  • Choices: [" "]
New Role The user role to use at the destination hierarchy
  • Field Name: move_to_role
  • Type: String
User Template Optional Template for Subscriber update on CUCM
  • Field Name: new_user_cft
  • Type: String
Move Lines Tick to move any lines associated with the user to the destination hierarchy. If lines are moved, they will remain on the devices. Lines that are not moved may be retained on devices, or may be replaced Default: true
  • Field Name: move_line
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true
Allow Move of Lines
  • Field Name: AllowLineMove
  • Type: Boolean
Create New Line Create new line at the destination hierarchy. Use existing line if not ticked, even if line is not moved to the new hierarchy ( i.e shared line ). This applies to line 1 only. Subsequent lines must be modified if required after the move is complete.
  • Field Name: new_line
  • Type: Boolean
New Lines
  • Field Name: lines.[n]
  • Type: Array
Line Template Line template to use for configuration settings.
  • Field Name: lines.[n].template_name
  • Type: String
Inventory Filter Default: default
  • Field Name: lines.[n].line_filter
  • Type: String
  • Default: default
  • Choices: ["Default", "Show Unused Numbers with Associated E164's (Site Only)", "Show Unused Numbers with Associated E164's", "Show Used Numbers (Site Only)", "Show Used Numbers", "Show Numbers belonging to this Subscriber"]
Directory Number * Directory Number of line to assign.
  • Field Name: lines.[n].directory_number
  • Type: String
Label Label to use for this line.
  • Field Name: lines.[n].label
  • Type: String
Display Display to use for this line.
  • Field Name: lines.[n].display
  • Type: String
Line Template Optional Configuration Template name for Line parameter override
  • Field Name: new_line_cft
  • Type: String
Line Configuration Mapping Line Configuration Mapping
  • Field Name: line_profile
  • Type: String
Android Profile Android profile to be applied.
  • Field Name: android_profile
  • Type: String
CSF Profile CSF profile to be applied.
  • Field Name: csf_profile
  • Type: String
Tablet Profile Tablet profile to be applied.
  • Field Name: tablet_profile
  • Type: String
iPhone Profile iPhone profile to be applied.
  • Field Name: iphone_profile
  • Type: String
Carrier Integrated Mobile Profile Carrier Integrated Mobile profile to be applied.
  • Field Name: cim_profile
  • Type: String
CTI Remote Device Profile CTI Remote Device profile to be applied.
  • Field Name: ctird_profile
  • Type: String
Move Desk Phones Tick to move any desk phones(SEP prefix) associated with the user to the new hierarchy. Disassociate Subscriber from existing desk phones if not checked. Jabber/Soft Clients etc (non SEP prefix devices) are always moved. Default: true
  • Field Name: move_phone
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true
Create New Phone Create New Phone at Destination Hierarchy
  • Field Name: new_phone
  • Type: Boolean
Use Existing Phone Configuration Toggle to select an existing Phone for configuration. Default: false
  • Field Name: new_phone_from_source
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false
Desk Phone Profile Select the required Desk Phone Profile specified in Phone Configuration Mapping
  • Field Name: phone_type
  • Type: String
Phone Protocol
  • Field Name: new_phone_protocol
  • Type: String
Phone Name e.g. SEP123412341234. Leave blank for auto generated MAC if you use phone based registration, select from list of free phones or provide a new phone name
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
Phone Configuration Source Copy configuration from associated phone
  • Field Name: new_phone_config_source
  • Type: String
Phone Type to Copy Configuration from
  • Field Name: new_phone_config_source_product
  • Type: String
Phone Configuration Mapping Phone Configuration Mapping
  • Field Name: phone_profile
  • Type: String
Device Profile Configuration Mapping Device Profile Configuration Mapping
  • Field Name: dp_profile
  • Type: String
Desk Phone Feature Template Optional Configuration Template name for phone parameter override
  • Field Name: new_phone_cft
  • Type: String
Phone Button Template
  • Field Name: new_phone_pbt
  • Type: String
Phone Security Profile
  • Field Name: new_phone_securityprofile
  • Type: String
Use Default CSS Use the CSS defined as the site default at the destination hierarchy
  • Field Name: default_css
  • Type: Boolean
Line CSS Specify a specific CSS to be used at the destination hierarchy
  • Field Name: line_css
  • Type: String
Call Forward CSS Specify a specific CSS to be used at the destination hierarchy
  • Field Name: cfwd_css
  • Type: String
Use Default Device Pool Use the Default Device Pool defined as the site default at the destination hierarchy Default: true
  • Field Name: default_dp
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true
Device Pool Specify a specific device pool to be used at the destination hierarchy
  • Field Name: device_pool
  • Type: String
Source CUCM
  • Field Name: guiSourceCucmBkey
  • Type: String
Target CUCM
  • Field Name: guiTargetCucmBkey
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: guiTargetCucmPkid
  • Type: String
Source CUC
  • Field Name: guiSourceCucBkey
  • Type: String
Target CUC
  • Field Name: guiTargetCucBkey
  • Type: String
CUCM changes
  • Field Name: guiNewCucm
  • Type: Boolean
CUC Changes
  • Field Name: guiNewCuc
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: CrossClusterMessage
  • Type: String
New Cuc User Template
  • Field Name: newCucUserTemplate
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: existingPhones
  • Type: String
Extension Mobility
  • Field Name: existingDeviceProfiles
  • Type: String
Single Number Reach
  • Field Name: existingSnr
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: existingVoicemail
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: existingWebex
  • Type: String
Webex Teams
  • Field Name: existingWebexTeams
  • Type: String
Contact Center
  • Field Name: existingContactCenter
  • Type: String