
Model: view/UpdateUserDetailsSubscriber

View to update user details for an existing Subscriber.

Model Details: view/UpdateUserDetailsSubscriber

Title Description Details
CUCM bkey Business Key of the CUCM.
  • Field Name: cucm_bkey
  • Type: String
Previous Username * Previous username of the subscriber.
  • Field Name: previous_username
  • Type: String
Username Username of the subscriber.
  • Field Name: username
  • Type: String
First Name * First name of the subscriber.
  • Field Name: firstName
  • Type: String
Last Name Last name of the subscriber.
  • Field Name: lastName
  • Type: String
Email Address Email address of the subscriber.
  • Field Name: email
  • Type: String
  • Pattern: ^([^.@]+)(\.[^.@]+)*@([^.@]+\.)+([^.@]+)$
  • Field Name: manager
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: department
  • Type: String
Telephone Number
  • Field Name: telephoneNumber
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: title
  • Type: String
Home Number
  • Field Name: homeNumber
  • Type: String
User's Mobile Number
  • Field Name: mobileNumber
  • Type: String
Directory URI
  • Field Name: directoryUri
  • Type: String