
Model: view/NumberInventoryAudit

Audit Number Inventory


You cannot run Audit Number Inventory if number management has been disabled for the customer (see Create and Modify a Customer).

This feature performs an audit of the number inventory and makes sure that the Status and Usage of each number aligns to the devices or services configured with these matching numbers. See Number Status and Usage for more details about these values.

The audit will create new numbers for devices or services that don't already exist, as well as update existing number entries to make sure the Status and Usage fields reflect the correct information at the time the audit is run. Number entries will not be deleted.

Specify where you want to run and create a new number inventory:

For sites using Site Location Code-based dial plans, number inventories can be created only at the site hierarchy, the customer hierarchy will not be available.

From the Number Inventory form (default menu Number Management > Number Inventory), you can see a list of internal numbers and move, delete, and export them as desired.

Common Errors and Caveats

Run Audit Number Inventory


You can only run Audit Number Inventory from a customer hierarchy. If you try to run it from a hierarchy that is not of type Customer, you will be prompted to choose a valid customer hierarchy.

  1. Log in to VOSS-4-UC as provider or reseller administrator.

  2. Open the Audit Number Inventory form (default menu Number Management > Audit Number Inventory).

  3. Browse to the customer hierarchy at which you want to run Audit Number Inventory.

  4. Choose either Customer or Site from the Is Number Inventory deployed at Customer or Site Level ? drop-down.


    Customers with Site Location Code-based dial plans will not see the Customer option.

  5. If you chose Customer, click Save to run Audit Number Inventory at all sites that are located under the selected customer.

  6. If you chose Site, choose either All from the Would you like to audit all sites or a subset of sites ? to run Audit Number Inventory at all the sites under the selected customer, or choose Specific and specify the sites on which you want to run Audit Number Inventory (200 maximum - see also Using Transfer Boxes).

  7. Click Save. The number inventory is updated at the hierarchy you specified and below.

New tool that audits line and utility number (Pilots)

Model Details: view/NumberInventoryAudit

Title Description Details
Is Number Inventory deployed at Customer or Site Level ? Default: Site
  • Field Name: iniModel
  • Type: String
  • Default: Site
  • Choices: ["Customer", "Site"]
Would you like to audit all sites or a subset of sites ? Default: All
  • Field Name: scope
  • Type: String
  • Default: All
  • Choices: ["All", "Specific"]
  • Field Name: site_X.[n]
  • Type: Array