
Model: view/ExportDeviceStatusView

Phone Status Export


The Phone Status Export tool allows you export the status of Unified CM phones based on selected filters.

The exported phone status report can be opened from the File Management form and downloaded as a .csv file. The .csv file can be opened as a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel, where each phone status that matches the configured filters will appear as an individual line.

Create and View a Phone Status Report

  1. Browse to the required hierarchy where you want to create the phone status report.


When running the tool from a hierarchy higher than Customer, a Call Manager filter is mandatory.

  1. From the Phone Status Export form (default menu Subscriber Management > Status Export):

    1. Enter the File name prefix.
    2. In the Filters section, define the required filters, namely the mandatory Status and Call Manager (Customer hierarchy only) fields as well as the optional Device Name, Directory Number and IP Address fields, noting the following:
      • Status of None = all phones that do not have a registration status on the API will appear in the phone status report.
      • Status of Any = all phones will appear in the phone status report regardless of the phone registration status.
      • Device Name, Directory Number and IP Address fields: only phones that match these filters are displayed in the phone status report. For example if you enter 'BAT' in the Device Name field, then only phones with a device name prefix starting with 'BAT' will appear in the report.
  2. Click Save. Once complete, the phone status report is saved under File Management.

  3. Select the required phone status report (file-name-prefixXXXX.csv) from the File Management form (default menu Administration Tools > File Management) and click Export (JSON format).

  4. From the resultant .zip file, open the .csv file in Microsoft Excel.

    The first column on the report reflects the Phone hierarchy, and subsequent columns provide the (Phone) Name, Status, and information such as: cm_node, ip_address, DirNumber, DeviceClass, Model, Product, and so on (depending on the selected filters).

Export device status information

Model Details: view/ExportDeviceStatusView

Title Description Details
Status * Only devices with this status will be exported
  • Field Name: status
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Registered", "Unregistered", "Partially Registered", "Rejected", "Any", "Unknown", "None"]
Call Manager Only devices on this Call Manager will be exported
  • Field Name: call_manager
  • Type: String
Device Name Only devices with names starting with this value will be exported
  • Field Name: device_name
  • Type: String
IP Address Only devices with IP addresses starting with this value will be exported
  • Field Name: ip_address
  • Type: String
Directory Number Only devices where the directory number starts with this value will be exported
  • Field Name: dir_number
  • Type: String
File name prefix Will be prefixed to generated filename if set
  • Field Name: fname_prefix
  • Type: String
Notes Default: This tool will export Call Manager device statuses matching the provided filters. A Call Manager filter is required when running the tool above the customer hierarchy. If the matched phones are spread over more than 3 Call Managers, the action will fail and you will be required to further refine your search.
  • Field Name: notes
  • Type: String
  • Default: This tool will export Call Manager device statuses matching the provided filters. A Call Manager filter is required when running the tool above the customer hierarchy. If the matched phones are spread over more than 3 Call Managers, the action will fail and you will be required to further refine your search.
Hierarchy Type Hidden field to determine hierarchy type
  • Field Name: hierarchy_type
  • Type: String