
Model: relation/WebDriverCucmClusterMohFileUpload

Music on Hold (MOH) File Management

The VOSS-4-UC MOH File Management feature allows administrators to carry out a number of tasks within the Admin Portal to manage MOH servers and files, including the upload of MOH files to Unified CM.

MOH file management in VOSS-4-UC consists of a number of steps:


If a .wav file is deleted from VOSS-4-UC, it is not removed from CUCM MOH clusters.

CUCM MOH Clusters

Unified CM clusters can be managed from the Manage MOH Clusters menu.

  1. Click Add to start the task.
  2. MOH Cluster details:
  3. Click Save to carry out the task.

Add, Manage Files and Upload to MOH Cluster

This functionality allows an administrator to add MOH files to VOSS-4-UC by uploading them. Optionally, the MOH file can also be uploaded to an applicable CUCM at the same time as adding it to VOSS-4-UC or after the file is already in VOSS-4-UC.

From the Manage Files and Upload to MOH Cluster menu, MOH .wav files can be:

  1. Click Add to start the task.

  2. Click Browse to select the .wav file from your file system to show in the Filename input box and to upload it.

    An optional Description can be added to the uploaded filename.

    Select the CUCM MOH Cluster. If a CUCM MOH Cluster is not selected, then the file is only uploaded to VOSS-4-UC.


    • When uploading files at site level the CUCM MOH Cluster is automatically selected based on the site Network Device List (NDL).
    • Uploading files to the pre-release version of CUCM 12.5.1 SU1( will fail.
  3. Click Save to complete the task.

Notes on management tasks:

Upload Multiple Files to MOH Clusters (Optional)

Two side-by-side transfer boxes are available from the Upload Multiple Files to MOH Clusters menu to add uploaded files in VOSS-4-UC to MOH Clusters.

To carry out multiple uploads, select CUCM MOH clusters and MOH file names from the Available transfer boxes.

Click Save to complete the task.

MOH Audio Sources

In order to make use of the MOH files that have been uploaded to CUCM MOH clusters, a MOH Audio Source instance needs to be created:

To add a MOH Audio Source:

Choose the Add MOH Audio Source menu:

To manage MOH Audio Sources:

Additional details for a selected Audio Source can be managed. Choose the Manage MOH Audio Source menu:

Announcement Settings are available for management:

The added MOH Audio Sources are available to:

Relation to Upload a WAV file to Voss and CUCM cluster.

Model Details: relation/WebDriverCucmClusterMohFileUpload

Title Description Details
File Upload Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: File Upload
  • Type: Object
Filename * Select the .wav file to upload.
  • Field Name: File Upload.filename
  • Type: String
  • Format: file
MOH File Name Name of the MOH File
  • Field Name: File Upload.moh_file_name
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Moh
  • Type: Object
MOH File Name Name of the MOH File
  • Field Name: File Upload.Moh.moh_file_name
  • Type: String
CUCM MOH Cluster * Select the CUCM Music On Hold Cluster to upload the .wav file to.
  • Field Name: File Upload.Moh.gui_cucm_cluster
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/WebDriverCucmCluster
  • Format: uri
Description Description of the .wav file.
  • Field Name: File Upload.description
  • Type: String
CUCM MOH Cluster * Select the CUCM Music On Hold Cluster to upload the .wav file to.
  • Field Name: File Upload.gui_cucm_cluster
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/WebDriverCucmCluster
  • Format: uri