
Model: device/skypeforbusinessonline/CsMeetingConfiguration

Model Details: device/skypeforbusinessonline/CsMeetingConfiguration

Title Description Details
AdmitAnonymousUsersByDefault * Determines whether meetings will, by default, allow attendance by anonymous users (that is, by unauthenticated users). Set this value to True if you would like new meetings to allow for attendance by anonymous users by default. Set this value to False if you would prefer that, by default, new meetings do not allow for attendance by anonymous users. The default value is True.
  • Field Name: AdmitAnonymousUsersByDefault
  • Type: Boolean
UserUriFormatForStUser * PARAMVALUE: String
  • Field Name: UserUriFormatForStUser
  • Type: String
ScopeClass *
  • Field Name: ScopeClass
  • Type: String
AllowCloudRecordingService * PARAMVALUE: $true | $false
  • Field Name: AllowCloudRecordingService
  • Type: Boolean
PstnCallersBypassLobby * Indicates whether users dialing in over a public switched telephone network (PSTN) phone line should automatically be admitted to a meeting. If set to True ($True), PSTN callers will automatically be admitted to the meeting. If set to False ($False), then PSTN callers will initially be routed to the conference lobby. At that point, they will have to wait, on hold, until a conference presenter grants them access to the meeting. The default value is True.
  • Field Name: PstnCallersBypassLobby
  • Type: Boolean
LogoURL * URL for the image to be used on custom meeting invitations.
  • Field Name: LogoURL
  • Type: String
HelpURL * URL to a website where users can obtain assistance on joining the meeting.
  • Field Name: HelpURL
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: PSShowComputerName
  • Type: Boolean
EnableMeetingReport * PARAMVALUE: $true | $false
  • Field Name: EnableMeetingReport
  • Type: Boolean
DesignateAsPresenter * Indicates which users (besides the meeting organizer) are automatically designated as presenters when they join a meeting. Valid choices are: None; Company; and Everyone. By default, DesignateAsPresenter is set to Company, meaning everyone in your organization will have presenter rights the moment they join a meeting.
  • Field Name: DesignateAsPresenter
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: PSComputerName
  • Type: String
LegalURL * URL to a website containing legal information and meeting disclaimers.
  • Field Name: LegalURL
  • Type: String
Anchor *
  • Field Name: Anchor
  • Type: String
AllowConferenceRecording * Determines whether or not users are allowed to record conference proceedings. The default value is True.
  • Field Name: AllowConferenceRecording
  • Type: Boolean
Identity * Specifies the collection of meeting configuration settings to be returned. Because each tenant is limited to a single, global collection of meeting configuration settings there is no need include this parameter when calling the Get-CsMeetingConfiguration cmdlet. If you do choose to use the Identity parameter you must also include the Tenant parameter. For example: Get-CsMeetingConfiguration -Tenant "bf19b7db-6960-41e5-a139-2aa373474354" -Identity "global"
  • Field Name: Identity
  • Type: String
RequireRoomSystemsAuthorization * When set to True ($True) all users must be authenticated before they can join a meeting using the Skype for Business Room System. The default value is False ($False).
  • Field Name: RequireRoomSystemsAuthorization
  • Type: Boolean
AssignedConferenceTypeByDefault * Determines whether new meetings will be configured, by default, as public meetings. Set this value to True to use public meetings by default; set this value to False to use private meetings by default. The default value is True.
  • Field Name: AssignedConferenceTypeByDefault
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: XsAnyAttributes
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: XsAnyElements
  • Type: String
Element *
  • Field Name: Element
  • Type: String
CustomFooterText * Text to be used on custom meeting invitations.
  • Field Name: CustomFooterText
  • Type: String
EnableAssignedConferenceType * Indicates whether users are allowed to schedule public meetings. With a public meeting, the conference ID and the meeting link remain consistent each time the meeting is held. With a private meeting, the conference ID and meeting link change from meeting to meeting. The default value is True.
  • Field Name: EnableAssignedConferenceType
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: RunspaceId
  • Type: String
TypedIdentity *
  • Field Name: TypedIdentity
  • Type: String