
Model: device/msonline/MsolContact

Model Details: device/msonline/MsolContact

Title Description Details
City *
  • Field Name: City
  • Type: String
Errors *
  • Field Name: Errors
  • Type: String
DisplayName *
  • Field Name: DisplayName
  • Type: String
FirstName *
  • Field Name: FirstName
  • Type: String
Title *
  • Field Name: Title
  • Type: String
LastName *
  • Field Name: LastName
  • Type: String
State *
  • Field Name: State
  • Type: String
DirSyncProvisioningErrors *
  • Field Name: DirSyncProvisioningErrors
  • Type: String
Department *
  • Field Name: Department
  • Type: String
Fax *
  • Field Name: Fax
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: LastDirSyncTime
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
  • Field Name: ValidationStatus
  • Type: Integer
ExtensionData *
  • Field Name: ExtensionData
  • Type: String
ObjectId The unique ID of the contact to retrieve.
  • Field Name: ObjectId
  • Type: String
Country *
  • Field Name: Country
  • Type: String
StreetAddress *
  • Field Name: StreetAddress
  • Type: String
PhoneNumber *
  • Field Name: PhoneNumber
  • Type: String
PostalCode *
  • Field Name: PostalCode
  • Type: String
MobilePhone *
  • Field Name: MobilePhone
  • Type: String
Office *
  • Field Name: Office
  • Type: String
CompanyName *
  • Field Name: CompanyName
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: ProxyAddresses.[n]
  • Type: Array
EmailAddress *
  • Field Name: EmailAddress
  • Type: String