
Model: device/exchangeonline/MailboxPlan

Model Details: device/exchangeonline/MailboxPlan

Title Description Details
WhenMailboxCreated *
  • Field Name: WhenMailboxCreated
  • Type: String
AggregatedMailboxGuids *
  • Field Name: AggregatedMailboxGuids
  • Type: String
SiloName *
  • Field Name: SiloName
  • Type: String
ResourceType *
  • Field Name: ResourceType
  • Type: String
AdminDisplayVersion *
  • Field Name: AdminDisplayVersion
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: ProtocolSettings.[n]
  • Type: Array
RecipientLimits * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: RecipientLimits
  • Type: String
IsHierarchySyncEnabled *
  • Field Name: IsHierarchySyncEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: PSShowComputerName
  • Type: Boolean
OfflineAddressBook * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: OfflineAddressBook
  • Type: String
MessageTrackingReadStatusEnabled * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: MessageTrackingReadStatusEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: AdministrativeUnits.[n]
  • Type: Array
WhenSoftDeleted *
  • Field Name: WhenSoftDeleted
  • Type: String
IsMailboxEnabled *
  • Field Name: IsMailboxEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
MailboxProvisioningConstraint *
  • Field Name: MailboxProvisioningConstraint
  • Type: String
LastExchangeChangedTime *
  • Field Name: LastExchangeChangedTime
  • Type: String
SCLJunkThreshold * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: SCLJunkThreshold
  • Type: Integer
OriginatingServer *
  • Field Name: OriginatingServer
  • Type: String
CalendarVersionStoreDisabled * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: CalendarVersionStoreDisabled
  • Type: Boolean
HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
UMEnabled *
  • Field Name: UMEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
MailboxPlanRelease * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: MailboxPlanRelease
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: ModeratedBy.[n]
  • Type: Array
CalendarRepairDisabled * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: CalendarRepairDisabled
  • Type: Boolean
IsSoftDeletedByRemove *
  • Field Name: IsSoftDeletedByRemove
  • Type: Boolean
WhenCreated *
  • Field Name: WhenCreated
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
  • Field Name: Extensions.[n]
  • Type: Array
LegacyExchangeDN *
  • Field Name: LegacyExchangeDN
  • Type: String
ExchangeVersion *
  • Field Name: ExchangeVersion
  • Type: String
MaxReceiveSize * The MaxReceiveSize parameter specifies the maximum size of a message that can be sent to created or enabled mailboxes that have the mailbox plan applied to them. Messages larger than the maximum size are rejected. When you enter a value, qualify the value with one of the following units: B (bytes) KB (kilobytes) MB (megabytes) GB (gigabytes) TB (terabytes) Unqualified values are typically treated as bytes, but small values may be rounded up to the nearest kilobyte. A valid value is a number up to 150MB. The default value is 36MB. The maximum value is determined by the mailbox plan. You can lower the value, and you may be able to raise the value, but you can't exceed the maximum value that's specified by the subscription or license that corresponds to the mailbox plan. For any message size limit, you need to set a value that's larger than the actual size you want enforced. This accounts for the Base64 encoding of attachments and other binary data. Base64 encoding increases the size of the message by approximately 33%, so the value you specify should be approximately 33% larger than the actual message size you want enforced. For example, if you specify a maximum message size value of 64 MB, you can expect a realistic maximum message size of approximately 48 MB.
  • Field Name: MaxReceiveSize
  • Type: String
RetentionUrl * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: RetentionUrl
  • Type: String
AuditEnabled * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: AuditEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
MessageCopyForSendOnBehalfEnabled *
  • Field Name: MessageCopyForSendOnBehalfEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
MailboxProvisioningPreferences *
  • Field Name: MailboxProvisioningPreferences
  • Type: String
UserPrincipalName * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: UserPrincipalName
  • Type: String
DisabledArchiveDatabase *
  • Field Name: DisabledArchiveDatabase
  • Type: String
SourceAnchor *
  • Field Name: SourceAnchor
  • Type: String
IsPilotMailboxPlan *
  • Field Name: IsPilotMailboxPlan
  • Type: Boolean
RetainDeletedItemsFor * The RetainDeletedItemsFor parameter specifies the length of time to keep soft-deleted items for the mailbox. Soft-deleted items are items that have been deleted by using any of these methods: Deleting items from the Deleted Items folder. Selecting the Empty Deleted Items Folder action. Deleting items using Shift + Delete. These actions move the items to the Recoverable Items folder, into a subfolder named Deletions. Before the deleted item retention period expires, users can recover soft-deleted items in Outlook and Outlook on the web by using the Recover Deleted Items feature. For more information, see Recoverable Items folder in Exchange 2016. To specify a value, enter it as a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss where dd = days, hh = hours, mm = minutes, and ss = seconds. The default value is 14 days (14.00:00:00). In Office 365, you can increase the value to a maximum of 30 days.
  • Field Name: RetainDeletedItemsFor
  • Type: String
IsRootPublicFolderMailbox *
  • Field Name: IsRootPublicFolderMailbox
  • Type: Boolean
RetentionHoldEnabled * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: RetentionHoldEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: RunspaceId
  • Type: String
Guid *
  • Field Name: Guid
  • Type: String
RecipientType *
  • Field Name: RecipientType
  • Type: String
MailboxMoveFlags *
  • Field Name: MailboxMoveFlags
  • Type: String
IsExcludedFromServingHierarchy *
  • Field Name: IsExcludedFromServingHierarchy
  • Type: Boolean
DowngradeHighPriorityMessagesEnabled * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: DowngradeHighPriorityMessagesEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
SCLJunkEnabled * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: SCLJunkEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
IsResource *
  • Field Name: IsResource
  • Type: Boolean
ResetPasswordOnNextLogon * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: ResetPasswordOnNextLogon
  • Type: Boolean
MailboxPlanIndex *
  • Field Name: MailboxPlanIndex
  • Type: String
ArchiveRelease *
  • Field Name: ArchiveRelease
  • Type: String
MaxSendSize * The MaxSendSize parameter specifies the maximum size of a message that can be sent by created or enabled mailboxes that have the mailbox plan applied to them. When you enter a value, qualify the value with one of the following units: B (bytes) KB (kilobytes) MB (megabytes) GB (gigabytes) TB (terabytes) Unqualified values are typically treated as bytes, but small values may be rounded up to the nearest kilobyte. A valid value is a number up to 150MB. The default value is 35MB. The maximum value is determined by the mailbox plan. You can lower the value, and you may be able to raise the value, but you can't exceed the maximum value that's specified by the subscription or license that corresponds to the mailbox plan. For any message size limit, you need to set a value that's larger than the actual size you want enforced. This accounts for the Base64 encoding of attachments and other binary data. Base64 encoding increases the size of the message by approximately 33%, so the value you specify should be approximately 33% larger than the actual message size you want enforced. For example, if you specify a maximum message size value of 64 MB, you can expect a realistic maximum message size of approximately 48 MB.
  • Field Name: MaxSendSize
  • Type: String
ArchiveGuid *
  • Field Name: ArchiveGuid
  • Type: String
ArchiveDomain * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: ArchiveDomain
  • Type: String
HasSpokenName *
  • Field Name: HasSpokenName
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: InPlaceHolds.[n]
  • Type: Array
HasPicture *
  • Field Name: HasPicture
  • Type: Boolean
AccountDisabled *
  • Field Name: AccountDisabled
  • Type: Boolean
AntispamBypassEnabled * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: AntispamBypassEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
RemoteRecipientType * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: RemoteRecipientType
  • Type: String
DistinguishedName *
  • Field Name: DistinguishedName
  • Type: String
IsPersonToPersonTextMessagingEnabled *
  • Field Name: IsPersonToPersonTextMessagingEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
UserCertificate This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: UserCertificate.[n]
  • Type: Array
ArchiveStatus * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: ArchiveStatus
  • Type: String
ArchiveState *
  • Field Name: ArchiveState
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: PoliciesExcluded.[n]
  • Type: Array
MailboxMoveRemoteHostName *
  • Field Name: MailboxMoveRemoteHostName
  • Type: String
RoleAssignmentPolicy * The RoleAssignmentPolicy parameter specifies the management role assignment policy that's associated with the mailbox plan. This role assignment policy is assigned to all created or enabled mailboxes that have the mailbox plan assigned to them. The default value is blank ($null). This value means that new mailboxes receive the default role assignment policy that's configured for the organization. By default, the default role assignment policy is named Default Role Assignment Policy. To associate a role assignment policy with the mailbox plan, you use any value that uniquely identifies the role assignment policy. For example: Name Distinguished name (DN) GUID To see the available role assignment policies, use the Get-RoleAssignmentPolicy cmdlet.
  • Field Name: RoleAssignmentPolicy
  • Type: String
ImListMigrationCompleted *
  • Field Name: ImListMigrationCompleted
  • Type: Boolean
IsDefault * The IsDefault switch specifies that the mailbox plan is the default mailbox plan. You don't need to specify a value with this switch. New and enabled mailboxes receive the settings in the default mailbox plan.
  • Field Name: IsDefault
  • Type: Boolean
MailboxRegionLastUpdateTime *
  • Field Name: MailboxRegionLastUpdateTime
  • Type: String
ExchangeUserAccountControl *
  • Field Name: ExchangeUserAccountControl
  • Type: String
EffectivePublicFolderMailbox *
  • Field Name: EffectivePublicFolderMailbox
  • Type: String
StsRefreshTokensValidFrom *
  • Field Name: StsRefreshTokensValidFrom
  • Type: String
IsHierarchyReady *
  • Field Name: IsHierarchyReady
  • Type: Boolean
ObjectCategory *
  • Field Name: ObjectCategory
  • Type: String
IsValid *
  • Field Name: IsValid
  • Type: Boolean
ProhibitSendReceiveQuota * The ProhibitSendReceiveQuota parameter specifies a size limit for the mailbox. If the mailbox reaches or exceeds this size, the mailbox can't send or receive new messages. Messages sent to the mailbox are returned to the sender with a descriptive error message. This value effectively determines the maximum size of the mailbox. A valid value is a number up to 1.999999999 terabytes (2199023254528 bytes) or the value unlimited. When you enter a number, you can qualify it with one of the following units: B (bytes) KB (kilobytes) MB (megabytes) GB (gigabytes) TB (terabytes) Unqualified values are typically treated as bytes, but small values may be rounded up to the nearest kilobyte. The value must be greater than or equal to the ProhibitSendQuota or IssueWarningQuota values. The maximum value is determined by the mailbox plan. You can lower the value, but you can't exceed the maximum value that's specified by the subscription or license that corresponds to the mailbox plan.
  • Field Name: ProhibitSendReceiveQuota
  • Type: String
WhenChanged *
  • Field Name: WhenChanged
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
SCLQuarantineThreshold * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: SCLQuarantineThreshold
  • Type: Integer
ComplianceTagHoldApplied *
  • Field Name: ComplianceTagHoldApplied
  • Type: Boolean
AuditOwner *
  • Field Name: AuditOwner
  • Type: String
MailboxContainerGuid *
  • Field Name: MailboxContainerGuid
  • Type: String
EmailAddressPolicyEnabled * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: EmailAddressPolicyEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
UseDatabaseRetentionDefaults * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: UseDatabaseRetentionDefaults
  • Type: Boolean
IssueWarningQuota * The IssueWarningQuota parameter specifies the warning threshold for the size of the mailbox. If the mailbox reaches or exceeds this size, the user receives a descriptive warning message. A valid value is a number up to 1.999999999 terabytes (2199023254528 bytes) or the value unlimited. When you enter a number, you can qualify it with one of the following units: B (bytes) KB (kilobytes) MB (megabytes) GB (gigabytes) TB (terabytes) Unqualified values are typically treated as bytes, but small values may be rounded up to the nearest kilobyte. The IssueWarningQuota value must be less than or equal to the ProhibitSendReceiveQuota value. The maximum value is determined by the mailbox plan. You can lower the value, and you may be able to raise the value, but you can't exceed the maximum value that's specified by the subscription or license that corresponds to the mailbox plan.
  • Field Name: IssueWarningQuota
  • Type: String
RemoteAccountPolicy * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: RemoteAccountPolicy
  • Type: String
ExchangeGuid *
  • Field Name: ExchangeGuid
  • Type: String
RoomMailboxAccountEnabled *
  • Field Name: RoomMailboxAccountEnabled
  • Type: String
RecipientTypeDetails *
  • Field Name: RecipientTypeDetails
  • Type: String
MailboxRelease *
  • Field Name: MailboxRelease
  • Type: String
DataEncryptionPolicy *
  • Field Name: DataEncryptionPolicy
  • Type: String
UnifiedMailbox *
  • Field Name: UnifiedMailbox
  • Type: String
EndDateForRetentionHold * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: EndDateForRetentionHold
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
PersistedCapabilities *
  • Field Name: PersistedCapabilities
  • Type: String
DisabledArchiveGuid *
  • Field Name: DisabledArchiveGuid
  • Type: String
LitigationHoldEnabled * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: LitigationHoldEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
IsInactiveMailbox *
  • Field Name: IsInactiveMailbox
  • Type: Boolean
SCLRejectThreshold * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: SCLRejectThreshold
  • Type: Integer
RecoverableItemsWarningQuota * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: RecoverableItemsWarningQuota
  • Type: String
JournalArchiveAddress *
  • Field Name: JournalArchiveAddress
  • Type: String
MailboxMoveStatus *
  • Field Name: MailboxMoveStatus
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: PSComputerName
  • Type: String
IncludeInGarbageCollection *
  • Field Name: IncludeInGarbageCollection
  • Type: Boolean
OrganizationId *
  • Field Name: OrganizationId
  • Type: String
ArchiveQuota * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: ArchiveQuota
  • Type: String
MailboxMoveTargetMDB *
  • Field Name: MailboxMoveTargetMDB
  • Type: String
SCLRejectEnabled * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: SCLRejectEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
LitigationHoldDuration *
  • Field Name: LitigationHoldDuration
  • Type: String
ArchiveWarningQuota * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: ArchiveWarningQuota
  • Type: String
ArchiveDatabase *
  • Field Name: ArchiveDatabase
  • Type: String
Database * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: Database
  • Type: String
LitigationHoldDate * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: LitigationHoldDate
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
LitigationHoldOwner * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: LitigationHoldOwner
  • Type: String
CustomAttribute1 * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: CustomAttribute1
  • Type: String
AuditDelegate This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: AuditDelegate.[n]
  • Type: Array
DefaultPublicFolderMailbox *
  • Field Name: DefaultPublicFolderMailbox
  • Type: String
UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults
  • Type: Boolean
AddressBookPolicy *
  • Field Name: AddressBookPolicy
  • Type: String
DisabledMailboxLocations *
  • Field Name: DisabledMailboxLocations
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: GeneratedOfflineAddressBooks.[n]
  • Type: Array
ExternalDirectoryObjectId *
  • Field Name: ExternalDirectoryObjectId
  • Type: String
RecoverableItemsQuota * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: RecoverableItemsQuota
  • Type: String
IsDefaultForPreviousVersion * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: IsDefaultForPreviousVersion
  • Type: Boolean
UserSMimeCertificate This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: UserSMimeCertificate.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: PoliciesIncluded.[n]
  • Type: Array
WhenChangedUTC *
  • Field Name: WhenChangedUTC
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
RetentionPolicy * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: RetentionPolicy
  • Type: String
Identity * The Identity parameter specifies the mailbox plan that you want to view. You can use any value that uniquely identifies the mailbox plan. For example: Name Alias Display name Distinguished name (DN) GUID LegacyExchangeDN
  • Field Name: Identity
  • Type: String
SingleItemRecoveryEnabled * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: SingleItemRecoveryEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
WhenCreatedUTC *
  • Field Name: WhenCreatedUTC
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
AuditLogAgeLimit * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: AuditLogAgeLimit
  • Type: String
IsDirSynced *
  • Field Name: IsDirSynced
  • Type: Boolean
AuditAdmin This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: AuditAdmin.[n]
  • Type: Array
ObjectState *
  • Field Name: ObjectState
  • Type: String
ReconciliationId *
  • Field Name: ReconciliationId
  • Type: String
ExchangeSecurityDescriptor *
  • Field Name: ExchangeSecurityDescriptor
  • Type: String
SharingPolicy * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: SharingPolicy
  • Type: String
ProhibitSendQuota * The ProhibitSendQuota parameter specifies a size limit for the mailbox. If the mailbox reaches or exceeds this size, the mailbox can't send new messages, and the user receives a descriptive warning message. A valid value is a number up to 1.999999999 terabytes (2199023254528 bytes) or the value unlimited. When you enter a number, you can qualify it with one of the following units: B (bytes) KB (kilobytes) MB (megabytes) GB (gigabytes) TB (terabytes) Unqualified values are typically treated as bytes, but small values may be rounded up to the nearest kilobyte. The ProhibitSendQuota value must be less than or equal to the ProhibitSendReceiveQuota value. The maximum value is determined by the mailbox plan. You can lower the value, and you may be able to raise the value, but you can't exceed the maximum value that's specified by the subscription or license that corresponds to the mailbox plan.
  • Field Name: ProhibitSendQuota
  • Type: String
ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy *
  • Field Name: ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy
  • Type: String
CalendarLoggingQuota * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: CalendarLoggingQuota
  • Type: String
MailboxMoveBatchName *
  • Field Name: MailboxMoveBatchName
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: AddressListMembership.[n]
  • Type: Array
MailboxMoveSourceMDB *
  • Field Name: MailboxMoveSourceMDB
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: ObjectClass.[n]
  • Type: Array
SCLQuarantineEnabled * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: SCLQuarantineEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
StartDateForRetentionHold * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: StartDateForRetentionHold
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
NetID *
  • Field Name: NetID
  • Type: String
MailboxPlan *
  • Field Name: MailboxPlan
  • Type: String
MaxSafeSenders * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: MaxSafeSenders
  • Type: Integer
ServerName *
  • Field Name: ServerName
  • Type: String
IsSoftDeletedByDisable *
  • Field Name: IsSoftDeletedByDisable
  • Type: Boolean
IsLinked *
  • Field Name: IsLinked
  • Type: Boolean
Name * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: Name
  • Type: String
MailboxRegion *
  • Field Name: MailboxRegion
  • Type: String
SCLDeleteThreshold * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: SCLDeleteThreshold
  • Type: Integer
DeliverToMailboxAndForward * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: DeliverToMailboxAndForward
  • Type: Boolean
Alias * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: Alias
  • Type: String
ThrottlingPolicy * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: ThrottlingPolicy
  • Type: String
RetentionComment * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: RetentionComment
  • Type: String
ServerLegacyDN *
  • Field Name: ServerLegacyDN
  • Type: String
ExternalOofOptions * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: ExternalOofOptions
  • Type: String
MaxBlockedSenders * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: MaxBlockedSenders
  • Type: Integer
IsShared *
  • Field Name: IsShared
  • Type: Boolean
HasSnackyAppData *
  • Field Name: HasSnackyAppData
  • Type: Boolean
ElcProcessingDisabled *
  • Field Name: ElcProcessingDisabled
  • Type: Boolean
ArchiveName This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: ArchiveName.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: MailboxLocations.[n]
  • Type: Array
QueryBaseDN *
  • Field Name: QueryBaseDN
  • Type: String
AutoExpandingArchiveEnabled *
  • Field Name: AutoExpandingArchiveEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
IsMachineToPersonTextMessagingEnabled *
  • Field Name: IsMachineToPersonTextMessagingEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
DisplayName * The DisplayName parameter specifies the display name for the mailbox plan. The maximum length is 255 characters. If the value contains spaces, enclose the value in quotation marks (").
  • Field Name: DisplayName
  • Type: String
MessageCopyForSentAsEnabled *
  • Field Name: MessageCopyForSentAsEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
RetainDeletedItemsUntilBackup * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: RetainDeletedItemsUntilBackup
  • Type: Boolean
SCLDeleteEnabled * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: SCLDeleteEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
QueryBaseDNRestrictionEnabled * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: QueryBaseDNRestrictionEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Id *
  • Field Name: Id
  • Type: String
OrganizationalUnit * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: OrganizationalUnit
  • Type: String
RulesQuota * This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: RulesQuota
  • Type: String