
Model: device/cucm/VoiceMailProfile

Model Details: device/cucm/VoiceMailProfile

Title Description Details
Voice Mail Pilot
  • Field Name: voiceMailPilot
  • Type: ["Object", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
Css Name
  • Field Name: voiceMailPilot.cssName
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Target: device/cucm/Css
  • Target attr: name
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Format: uri
Voice Mail Pilot * Choose the appropriate voicemail pilot number that is defined in the Voice Mail Pilot Configuration or Use Default.
  • Field Name: voiceMailPilot.dirn
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Target: device/cucm/Line
  • Target attr: pattern
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • MaxLength: 50
  • Format: uri
Voice Mail Box Mask Specify the mask that is used to format the voice mailbox number for auto-registered phones. When a call is forwarded to a voice-messaging system from a directory line on an auto-registered phone, Cisco Unified Communications Manager applies this mask to the number that is configured in the Voice Mail Box field for that directory line. For example, if you specify a mask of 972813XXXX, the voice mailbox number for directory number 7253 becomes 9728137253. If you do not enter a mask, the voice mailbox number matches the directory number (7253 in this example). By default, your system sets the voice mailbox number to the same value as the directory number. You can change the voice mailbox number when you are configuring the directory number. Note    When a call gets redirected from a DN to a voicemail server/service that is integrated with Cisco Unified CM using a SIP trunk, the voice mailbox mask on the voicemail profile for the phone modifies the diverting number in the SIP diversion header. The diversion header is used by your system to choose a mailbox.
  • Field Name: voiceMailboxMask
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 50
  • Pattern: ^[0-9*#+X]{0,50}$
Voice Mail Profile Name * Enter a name to identify the voicemail profile. Valid characters comprise alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), period(.), dash(-), underscore(_).
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • MaxLength: 50
Make this the default Voice Mail Profile for the System Check the check box to make this profile name the default. Note    If you check the Default check box, this voicemail profile replaces your current default profile.
  • Field Name: isDefault
  • Type: Boolean
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Description Enter the description of the profile. The description can include up to 50 characters in any language, but it cannot include double-quotes ("), percentage sign (%), ampersand (&), back-slash (\), angle brackets (<>), dollar sign ($), single-quote('), open paren [(], close paren [)], slash (/), colon (:), semi-colon (;), equal sign (=), at sign (@), tilde (~), brackets ({ }), or apostrophe (').
  • Field Name: description
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 50