
Model: data/Schedule


Single or Multiple actions can be executed on one or more resources. The actions can be scheduled to take place at a specified time or to repeat.

Currently, the action is to execute.

The resources that can be executed are:

Care should be taken when transactions are scheduled. For example, data synchronization should be scheduled outside of peak times. The size and scope of the transactions that run determine the length of the time that they need to run. This therefore impacts on the start time. The number of clusters on the system and their size need to be considered as part of a data sync approach.

Create or Update a Schedule

  1. Choose the hierarchy at which the schedule is to be created.

  2. Open the Scheduling form (default menu Administration Tools > Scheduling to view existing schedules (if configured).

  3. To Create, click Add open the Scheduling input form to create a new schedule. To Update, select a schedule to modify.

  4. On the Base/Details tab, complete the following:

    1. Enter a mandatory Schedule Name.
    2. Enter the Owner (the user who created the schedule).
    3. From the mandatory Schedule Type drop-down list, choose either the Multi Execution or Single Execution option. This enables the respective Multiple Executions or Single Execution tab on the input form.
    4. Select or clear the Active check box to enable or disable the entire schedule.
  5. Click + next to Scheduled resources to specify actions to execute on resources (if required). More than one action on more than one resource type can be scheduled, with specification of a resource attribute.

  6. Select the Resource Type. The resources that can be executed is data/DataSync.

  7. For a selected Resource Type, select a unique identifier as Resource Attribute, often the name of the Resource Type, typically name.

  8. For the Resource, select the value of the Resource Attribute. For example, if the attribute is name, then the name of the resource.

  9. The Perform Action check box is used to enable or disable a specific scheduled resource action.

  10. On either the Multiple Executions or Single Execution tab, enter the scheduling time information according to the selected schedule type.

    1. For Multiple Executions, select or clear the following check boxes for execution options on the Multiple Executions tab:

      1. Use Specific Executions - Allows one or more specific schedule times: an Execution Date, Execution Time and Execution Timezone is added for each specific schedule.
      2. Use Calender Executions - Allows one or more calendar times (Calendar Hour and Calendar Minute) and dates (Calendar Month and Calendar Day). If no time is entered, the current time is used.
      3. Use Timed Executions - Allows one or more specified number of repetitions (Number of Repeats) at intervals (Repeat after (x) Days, Repeat after (x) Hours, Repeat after (x) Minutes) from a specified start time (First Execution Date, First Execution Time, First Execution Timezone).

      If more than one of these options is selected, the first scheduled time will take priority.

    2. For Single Executions, provide the Execution Date, Execution Time and Execution Timezone on the Single Execution tab.

  11. Click Save to create the schedule.

The scheduled task is displayed on the Schedule list view.

The Schedule model allows scheduling of execute actions. Scheduling can be performed once, or multiple times, depending on the choices given to the schedule instance.

Model Details: data/Schedule

Title Description Details
Schedule Name * Name of this Schedule
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
Last Executed (UTC Time) Last time that this schedule executed
  • Field Name: last_executed
  • Type: String
Owner A business key that identifies the data/User who created the schedule.
  • Field Name: owner
  • Type: String
Schedule Type * Type of Schedule
  • Field Name: schedule_type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Single Execution", "Multi Execution"]
Active Is the entire schedule active or not. Default: True
  • Field Name: active
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: True
Scheduled resources List of resources that will be actioned
  • Field Name: scheduled_resources.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Cardinality: [1..n]
Action * Action to perform
  • Field Name: scheduled_resources.[n].action
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Execute"]
Resource Type * Resource types to which this schedule will apply.
  • Field Name: scheduled_resources.[n].resource_type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: [""]
Resource Attribute * Resource attribute that will be used to filter/choose from.
  • Field Name: scheduled_resources.[n].resource_attribute
  • Type: String
  • Choices: [""]
  • Field Name: scheduled_resources.[n].resource_instance
  • Type: String
  • Choices: [""]
Perform Action DESCRIPTION Default: True
  • Field Name: scheduled_resources.[n].perform_action
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: True
Single Execution Single Execution
  • Field Name: single_execute
  • Type: Object
Execution Date (YYYY-MM-DD. Local date) Execution Date
  • Field Name: single_execute.single_date
  • Type: String
  • Pattern: ^\d{4}\-(0[1-9]|1[012])\-(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])$
Execution Time (HH:MM:SS. Local time) Execution Time
  • Field Name: single_execute.single_time
  • Type: String
  • Pattern: ^([0-1]\d|2[0-3]):(0[0-9]|[1-5]\d):(0[0-9]|[1-5]\d)$
Execution Timezone (Local timezone) Timezone for Execution Default: 0
  • Field Name: single_execute.single_timezone
  • Type: String
  • Default: 0
  • Pattern: ^[-+]?\d+$
Multiple Executions Multi Execution
  • Field Name: multi_execute
  • Type: Object
Use Specific Executions Use specific executions.
  • Field Name: multi_execute.use_specific
  • Type: Boolean
Use Calendar Executions Use calendar executions.
  • Field Name: multi_execute.use_calender
  • Type: Boolean
Use Timed Executions Use timed executions.
  • Field Name: multi_execute.use_timed
  • Type: Boolean
Specific Execution Dates Specific Execution Dates
  • Field Name: specific_execute.[n]
  • Type: Array
Execution Date (YYYY-MM-DD. Local date) Execution Date
  • Field Name: multi_execute.specific_execute.[n].specific_date
  • Type: String
  • Pattern: ^\d{4}\-(0[1-9]|1[012])\-(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])$
Execution Time (HH:MM:SS. Local time) Execution Time
  • Field Name: multi_execute.specific_execute.[n].specific_time
  • Type: String
  • Pattern: ^([0-1]\d|2[0-3]):(0[0-9]|[1-5]\d):(0[0-9]|[1-5]\d)$
Execution Timezone (Local timezone) Timezone for Execution Default: 0
  • Field Name: multi_execute.specific_execute.[n].specific_timezone
  • Type: String
  • Default: 0
  • Pattern: ^[-+]?\d+$
Calendar Executions Repeated Execution by Calendar
  • Field Name: calender_execute
  • Type: Object
Calendar Month Calendar Month
  • Field Name: multi_execute.calender_execute.calender_month
  • Type: Integer
  • Minimum: 1
  • Maximum: 12
Calendar Day Calendar Day
  • Field Name: multi_execute.calender_execute.calender_day
  • Type: Integer
  • Minimum: 1
  • Maximum: 31
Calendar Hour Calendar Hour
  • Field Name: multi_execute.calender_execute.calender_hour
  • Type: Integer
  • Maximum: 23
Calendar Minute Calendar Minute
  • Field Name: multi_execute.calender_execute.calender_minute
  • Type: Integer
  • Maximum: 59
Execution Timezone (Local timezone) Timezone for Execution Default: 0
  • Field Name: multi_execute.calender_execute.calender_timezone
  • Type: String
  • Default: 0
  • Pattern: ^[-+]?\d+$
Timed Executions Timed Execution
  • Field Name: timed_execute
  • Type: Object
First Execution Date (YYYY-MM-DD. Local date) Execution Date
  • Field Name: multi_execute.timed_execute.first_date
  • Type: String
  • Pattern: ^\d{4}\-(0[1-9]|1[012])\-(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])$
First Execution Time (HH:MM:SS. Local time) Execution Time
  • Field Name: multi_execute.timed_execute.first_time
  • Type: String
  • Pattern: ^([0-1]\d|2[0-3]):(0[0-9]|[1-5]\d):(0[0-9]|[1-5]\d)$
First Execution Timezone (Local timezone) Timezone for Execution Default: 0
  • Field Name: multi_execute.timed_execute.first_timezone
  • Type: String
  • Default: 0
  • Pattern: ^[-+]?\d+$
Repeat after (x) Days Repeat Days
  • Field Name: multi_execute.timed_execute.repeat_day
  • Type: Integer
Repeat after (x) Hours Repeat Hours
  • Field Name: multi_execute.timed_execute.repeat_hour
  • Type: Integer
Repeat after (x) Minutes Repeat Minutes
  • Field Name: multi_execute.timed_execute.repeat_minute
  • Type: Integer
Number of Repeats (0 = infinite) Number of Repeats
  • Field Name: multi_execute.timed_execute.repeat_number
  • Type: Integer