
Model: data/ModelReport

Manage Model Reports

Reports can be viewed and deleted.

  1. Log in as system administrator.

  2. Choose Advanced Tools > Model Report > Model Reports

  3. To view a report, click the report to view. Details for each model type are displayed on a tab.

  4. The Detail tab shows:

    The model tabs show Count value for each model type, if these were selected. If a model type has no instances, in other words a zero count, this is not shown.

  5. To delete a report, choose the report and click Delete.

Data model to capture Model list and instance counts under a certain hierarchy.

Model Details: data/ModelReport

Title Description Details
Detail Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Detail
  • Type: Object
Report Title Title of the report.
  • Field Name: Detail.title
  • Type: String
Status Running status.
  • Field Name: Detail.status
  • Type: String
Time Stamp *
  • Field Name: Detail.timestamp
  • Type: String
Data Models Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Data Models
  • Type: Object
DATA Models DATA Model instance count.
  • Field Name: data_models.[n]
  • Type: Array
Model Type Model Type.
  • Field Name: Data Models.data_models.[n].modeltype
  • Type: String
Count Instance count of the model type.
  • Field Name: Data Models.data_models.[n].count
  • Type: String
CUCM Models Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: CUCM Models
  • Type: Object
CUCM Models CUCM Model instance count.
  • Field Name: cucm_models.[n]
  • Type: Array
Model Type Model Type.
  • Field Name: CUCM Models.cucm_models.[n].modeltype
  • Type: String
Count Instance count of the model type.
  • Field Name: CUCM Models.cucm_models.[n].count
  • Type: String
CUC Models Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: CUC Models
  • Type: Object
CUC Models CUC Model instance count.
  • Field Name: cuc_models.[n]
  • Type: Array
Model Type Model Type.
  • Field Name: CUC Models.cuc_models.[n].modeltype
  • Type: String
Count Instance count of the model type.
  • Field Name: CUC Models.cuc_models.[n].count
  • Type: String
LDAP Models Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: LDAP Models
  • Type: Object
LDAP Models LDAP Model instance count.
  • Field Name: ldap_models.[n]
  • Type: Array
Model Type Model Type.
  • Field Name: LDAP Models.ldap_models.[n].modeltype
  • Type: String
Count Instance count of the model type.
  • Field Name: LDAP Models.ldap_models.[n].count
  • Type: String
HCMF Models Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: HCMF Models
  • Type: Object
HCMF Models HCMF Model instance count.
  • Field Name: hcmf_models.[n]
  • Type: Array
Model Type Model Type.
  • Field Name: HCMF Models.hcmf_models.[n].modeltype
  • Type: String
Count Instance count of the model type.
  • Field Name: HCMF Models.hcmf_models.[n].count
  • Type: String