
Model: data/HcsCommandDAT

View IOS Commands Log

Using the IOS Commands log, an administrator can see a list of command sets that were triggered by different events. An administrator can copy the IOS Commands template and paste it into the IOS device CLI to be executed.

By default, the command sets are listed with the most recent at the top.


Deleting a hierarchy node, such as a site, deletes all IOS Command Builders and associated IOS Commands templates configured at the hierarchy node.


  1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator.
  2. Set the hierarchy path to the level for which you want to view IOS Commands.
  3. Choose Device Management > IOS > Commands. A table containing the Command Builders that have been triggered is displayed. The table contains this information:
Column Description
Timestamp The time of the event that triggered the Command Builder.
Device Name The IOS device associated with the event that fired the Command Builder.
Gateway Name The SIP Local Gateway or Analog Gateway associated with the event that fired the Command Builder.
Command Builder

The name of the Command Builder that was triggered.

To view the IOS Commands template associated with a Command Builder, click the Command Builder name. The Command Builder configuration is displayed, including the IOS Commands template.

Description The description of the Command Builder that was triggered.
Device Deleted Select this check box if the associated device has been deleted.
Hierarchy The hierarchy level of the event that triggered the Command Builder.


Model Details: data/HcsCommandDAT

Title Description Details
Command Builder * Command Builder name
  • Field Name: commandBuilder
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024
Description A description for the command set
  • Field Name: description
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 4096
Commands commands triggered by the event
  • Field Name: commands
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 4096
Device Name * IOS Devices that the commands applies to
  • Field Name: deviceName
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024
Gateway Name Gateways that the command applies to
  • Field Name: gatewayName
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024
Device Type * Applicable Device Type
  • Field Name: applicableDevType
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024
  • Choices: ["IOS Device", "SIP Local Gateway", "Analog Gateway"]
Timestamp When the event occured
  • Field Name: timestamp
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024
Device Deleted Indicates whether or not the assoicated device has been deleted Default: false
  • Field Name: deviceDeleted
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false