
Model: data/GlobalSIPVMLog

Integration Log

This tool (Unity SIP Integration > Integration Log) will be populated with all the details relevant to the SIP Integration.

This includes when the integration was pushed, and other details so that the integration can be pushed back out again if required.

Log and required context for delete tool

Model Details: data/GlobalSIPVMLog

Title Description Details
Integration Label Integration Label
  • Field Name: int_label
  • Type: String
Username Username of person applying voicemail integrations
  • Field Name: request_user
  • Type: String
Timestamp in UTC Timestamp in UTC
  • Field Name: timestamp
  • Type: String
Target Call Manager Target Call Manager
  • Field Name: target_cucm
  • Type: String
Target Call Manager BKEY Target Call Manager BKEY
  • Field Name: target_cucm_bkey
  • Type: String
Target Call Manager PKID Target Call Manager PKID
  • Field Name: target_cucm_pkid
  • Type: String
Target Unity Server Target Unity Server
  • Field Name: target_cuc
  • Type: String
Target Unity Server BKEY Target Unity Server BKEY
  • Field Name: target_cuc_bkey
  • Type: String
Target Unity Server PKID Target Unity Server PKID
  • Field Name: target_cuc_pkid
  • Type: String
Voicemail Dial Plan Profile Voicemail Dial Plan Profile
  • Field Name: vmDpProfile
  • Type: String
Voicemail Pilot Voicemail Pilot
  • Field Name: ucm_cuc_Pilot
  • Type: String
Voicemail Pilot CSS Voicemail Pilot CSS
  • Field Name: ucm_VoicemailPilot_CSS
  • Type: String
Publisher Sip Trunk Name Publisher Sip Trunk Name
  • Field Name: ucm_sipTrunk_P_DevName
  • Type: String
Subscriber Sip Trunk Name Subscriber Sip Trunk Name
  • Field Name: ucm_sipTrunk_S_DevName
  • Type: String
Voicemail Profile Name Voicemail Profile Name
  • Field Name: ucm_VMProfile_name
  • Type: String
Route Group Name Route Group Name
  • Field Name: ucm_routeGroup_Name
  • Type: String
Route List Name Route List Name
  • Field Name: ucm_routeList_name
  • Type: String
Unity Phone System Unity Phone System
  • Field Name: cuc_phoneSystem
  • Type: String
Unity Publisher Unity Publisher
  • Field Name: cuc_port_PubServer
  • Type: String
Unity Pub Port Count Unity Pub Port Count
  • Field Name: cuc_port_PubCount
  • Type: String
Unity Subscriber Unity Subscriber
  • Field Name: cuc_port_SubServer
  • Type: String
Unity Sub Port Count Unity Sub Port Count
  • Field Name: cuc_port_SubCount
  • Type: String
Route Group Update
  • Field Name: RG_Update
  • Type: Boolean
Route Group Add New
  • Field Name: RG_AddNew
  • Type: Boolean
Route List Exists
  • Field Name: RL_Exists
  • Type: Boolean
Route List Add New
  • Field Name: RL_AddNew
  • Type: Boolean
Port Group TCP Port
  • Field Name: portGroupPort
  • Type: String