.. _creating_additional_users: Creating Additional Users ------------------------- .. _12.5(1)|VOSS-288: .. _19.1|VOSS-288: .. index:: user;user add During installation a user called 'platform' is created which has full access to all allowed commands within the restricted environment. This user (and others with the appropriate rights) can then create additional users who are further restricted to only be able to run certain commands. For example a user could be created who can only run diagnostic and logging commands - able to monitor the health of a system but required to escalate any actions. Users are created, managed and deleted through the user command. To create a new user use: **user add <username>** The system will create a Unix user with the name specified and set up to use a restricted shell identical to the platform user. Initially this user's password is set to match the username but it must be changed on first login. New users start out with no rights and can only run the very basic system commands provided to all users (such as **ls**). For SFTP only users, see: :ref:`creating_and_managing_SFTP_Users`.