Exchange Online Configuration Parameters

Refer to the Provision VOSS-4-UC section in Appendix: Microsoft Configuration
for detailed steps and examples.

An example page is shown in :ref:`Exchange Online Configuration Page<figure_19>`.

The configuration parameters are described in the table below.

Exchange Online Configuration Parameters

| Parameter            | Description                                                                                       |
| Version              | Currently, the only supported value is ``1.0``.                                                   |
| Host Name            | IP address or FQDN of the PowerShell Proxy that                                                   |
|                      | will be used to create the Exchange Online                                                        |
|                      | PowerShell session.                                                                               |
| Username / Password  | Sign-in credentials for the Remote Management                                                     |
|                      | Service Account [#]_                                                                              |
| Domain Name / Domain | Sign-in credentials for the Exchange Online                                                       |
| Username / Domain    | Management Account [#]_                                                                           |
| Password             |                                                                                                   |
| Connection URI       | All Exchange Online tenants use the same URI:                                                     |
|                      | ````                                              |
| Online Username /    | Credentials for the Exchange Online Management                                                    |
| Password             | Account. Use the username as it appears in the                                                    |
|                      | Office 365 Admin Center. The password will be the                                                 |
|                      | same as the one you use in the row above.                                                         |

.. [#] See :ref:`Remote Management Service Account <remote_management_service_account>`.
.. [#] For Domain Name / Domain Username / Domain Password,
       see the Active Directory entry in :ref:`Minimum Privileges by UC Application <table_3>`.