
Model: view/GS_AGW_AddPort_VIEW

Model Details

Title Description Details
Gateway Domain *
  • Field Name: GWDomain
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cucm/Gateway
  • Target attr: domainName
  • Format: uri
Description Analog Gateway description.
  • Field Name: description
  • Type: String
Gateway Protocol
  • Field Name: GWProtocol
  • Type: String
Gateway Product
  • Field Name: GWProduct
  • Type: String
Slot Chassis slot number or module interface slot number.
  • Field Name: slot
  • Type: String
SubUnit Gateway subunit module.
  • Field Name: subunit
  • Type: String
Max ports per subunit Max number of ports per subunit.
  • Field Name: maxPorts
  • Type: String
SCCP Template Name Note: When creating a new custom CFT for this dropdown, feature_usage array needs to contain - 'AddPortToAnalogGateway'. For example - "feature_usage": ["AddPortToAnalogGateway"].
  • Field Name: SCCPTemplateName
  • Type: String
MGCP Template Name Note: When creating a new custom CFT for this dropdown, feature_usage array needs to contain - 'AddPortToAnalogGateway'. For example - "feature_usage": ["AddPortToAnalogGateway"].
  • Field Name: MGCPTemplateName
  • Type: String
Owner User ID From the drop-down list box, choose the user ID of the assigned phone user. The user ID gets recorded in the call detail record (CDR) for all calls made from this device. Assigning a user ID to the device also moves the device from "Unassigned Devices" to "Users" in the License Usage Report.
  • Field Name: userid
  • Type: String
Inventory Filter INI Inventory filter Default: lines_unused_only_local
  • Field Name: line_filter
  • Type: String
  • Default: lines_unused_only_local
  • Choices: ["Show Unused Numbers (Site only)", "Default", "Show Numbers belonging to this Subscriber", "Show Unused Numbers with Associated E164's (Site Only)", "Show Unused Numbers with Associated E164's", "Show Used Numbers (Site Only)", "Show Used Numbers"]
Directory Number DN to use for new line - auto populates with next available line at the site
  • Field Name: dn
  • Type: String
Calling Search Space * Line CSS. Used only when creating new lines
  • Field Name: css
  • Type: String
dnToTranslate dn to use for E164 lookup
  • Field Name: dnToTranslate
  • Type: String
API reference for view/GS_AGW_AddPort_VIEW