
Model: view/ExportDeviceStatusView

Export device status information

Model Details

Title Description Details
Status * Only devices with this status will be exported
  • Field Name: status
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Registered", "Unregistered", "Partially Registered", "Rejected", "Any", "Unknown", "None"]
Call Manager Only devices on this Call Manager will be exported
  • Field Name: call_manager
  • Type: String
Device Name Only devices with names starting with this value will be exported
  • Field Name: device_name
  • Type: String
IP Address Only devices with IP addresses starting with this value will be exported
  • Field Name: ip_address
  • Type: String
Directory Number Only devices where the directory number starts with this value will be exported
  • Field Name: dir_number
  • Type: String
File name prefix Will be prefixed to generated filename if set
  • Field Name: fname_prefix
  • Type: String
Notes Default: This tool will export Call Manager device statuses matching the provided filters. A Call Manager filter is required when running the tool above the customer hierarchy. If the matched phones are spread over more than 3 Call Managers, the action will fail and you will be required to further refine your search.
  • Field Name: notes
  • Type: String
  • Default: This tool will export Call Manager device statuses matching the provided filters. A Call Manager filter is required when running the tool above the customer hierarchy. If the matched phones are spread over more than 3 Call Managers, the action will fail and you will be required to further refine your search.
Hierarchy Type Hidden field to determine hierarchy type
  • Field Name: hierarchy_type
  • Type: String
API reference for view/ExportDeviceStatusView