
Model: view/AddPhone

View to add either a standalone Phone or one that is associated with an existing Subscriber.

Model Details

Title Description Details
Phone Details Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Phone Details
  • Type: Object
Device Type * Device type of the phone.
  • Field Name: Phone Details.device_type
  • Type: String
Phone Name * Name of the phone.
  • Field Name: Phone Details.name
  • Type: String
Phone Template Phone template to use for feature configuration settings.
  • Field Name: Phone Details.template_name
  • Type: String
Standalone Phone Either add this as a standalone phone or associate with an existing Subscriber (user). Default: true
  • Field Name: Phone Details.standalone
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true
Username Username of the subscriber.
  • Field Name: Phone Details.username
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: lines.[n]
  • Type: Array
Line Template Line template to use for configuration settings.
  • Field Name: Phone Details.lines.[n].template_name
  • Type: String
Inventory Filter Default: default
  • Field Name: Phone Details.lines.[n].line_filter
  • Type: String
  • Default: default
  • Choices: ["Default", "Show Unused Numbers with Associated E164's (Site Only)", "Show Unused Numbers with Associated E164's", "Show Used Numbers (Site Only)", "Show Used Numbers", "Show Numbers belonging to this Subscriber"]
Directory Number * Directory Number of line to assign.
  • Field Name: Phone Details.lines.[n].directory_number
  • Type: String
Label Label to use for this line.
  • Field Name: Phone Details.lines.[n].label
  • Type: String
Display Display to use for this line.
  • Field Name: Phone Details.lines.[n].display
  • Type: String
API reference for view/AddPhone