
Model: tool/BulkLoad

Bulk Loading a File

Completed Bulk Load XLS sheets can be loaded immediately. Verify the following:

  1. Browse to the hierarchy level at which you want to perform the bulk load.
  2. Choose Administration Tools > Bulk Load. The Bulk Load** form is displayed.
  3. Click Browse to open the file upload dialog.
  4. Click Bulk Load File on the button bar to carry out the bulk load.
  5. Choose Administration Tools > Transaction to inspect the bulk load in the transaction log if necessary. The Execute Bulk Load sub-transaction list shows the transaction for each row of the sheet.
  6. Alternatively, to schedule the bulk load, clear the Execute Immediately check box and add scheduled date and time values in the mandatory Execution Date, Execution Time and Execution Timezone fields. A scheduled bulk load is shown on the list view of the Schedule and has the name and upload load date of the sheet.

Bulk Load Transactions

The transaction log is available on the user interface after a bulk load transaction has been run. Refer to the topics on transactions and viewing transactions in the Core Feature Guide.

Choose Administration Tools > Transaction. Bulk load transactions show in the log:

Checks are made to validate the user's access profile, the provided hierarchy information and data constraints for the bulk load transaction when updating the target models. The parent bulk load transaction will show the error message if this validation fails and no rows will be loaded.

Where rows are loaded, each row in the bulk load sheet appears as a sub-transaction within the bulk load transaction. The Message box shows the number of successful and failed rows loaded.

For each loaded sheet, bulk load transactions are run in series for each row. Multiple bulk load sheets can be loaded and these transactions will load in parallel.

Sheet rows can be processed in parallel. The sheet should then not contain multiple, sequence dependent models. Refer to Bulk Load Sheet Layout.

For each row of the bulk load sheet carrying out the default add action, a Create action is shown on the list of transactions. Sheet rows that led to a successful Create action have a Success status, while rows that failed show a Fail status. If a row fails, the load process continues. For failed actions, the transaction can be selected to show the error message.

If one or more rows of the sheet failed to load, the Bulk Load Sub Transaction shows a Success status, while the Log list will show "error" for failed rows.

On the list of sub transactions, choose the transaction Link hyper-link to inspect the details of each sub transaction. For example, the submitted, start, and stop time for the bulk load sub transaction corresponding with a row on the bulk load sheet is shown. In the case of a failed sub transaction, further information about the failure - such as the error message and row data - is shown in the sub transaction Link.

A canceled bulk load transaction means the Processing worksheet sub transaction, as well as all sub transactions within the worksheet transaction in a Processing or Queued state, will fail.

For parallel transactions, multiple resource transactions may be in a Queued or Processing state. By default, 14 rows are processed in parallel. Refer to Bulk Load Sheet Layout for more details. If a worksheet transaction fails as a result of bulk load transaction cancellation, subsequent worksheet tabs in the bulk load workbook will not be processed by the bulk loader.

Model Details

Title Description Details
API reference for tool/BulkLoad