
Model: relation/WebDriverCucmClusterMohFileUpload

Relation to Upload a WAV file to Voss and CUCM cluster.

Model Details

Title Description Details
File Upload Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: File Upload
  • Type: Object
Filename * Select the .wav file to upload.
  • Field Name: File Upload.filename
  • Type: String
  • Format: file
MOH File Name Name of the MOH File
  • Field Name: File Upload.moh_file_name
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Moh
  • Type: Object
MOH File Name Name of the MOH File
  • Field Name: File Upload.Moh.moh_file_name
  • Type: String
CUCM MOH Cluster * Select the CUCM Music On Hold Cluster to upload the .wav file to.
  • Field Name: File Upload.Moh.gui_cucm_cluster
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/WebDriverCucmCluster
  • Format: uri
Description Description of the .wav file.
  • Field Name: File Upload.description
  • Type: String
CUCM MOH Cluster * Select the CUCM Music On Hold Cluster to upload the .wav file to.
  • Field Name: File Upload.gui_cucm_cluster
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/WebDriverCucmCluster
  • Format: uri
API reference for relation/WebDriverCucmClusterMohFileUpload