
Model: relation/WebDriverCucmCluster

CUCM Cluster connections relation

Model Details

Title Description Details
Cluster Details Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Cluster Details
  • Type: Object
Cluster Name CUCM Cluster Name
  • Field Name: Cluster Details.cluster_name
  • Type: String
Publisher Server Name The name of the CUCM Publisher server.
  • Field Name: Cluster Details.name
  • Type: String
CUCM Publisher CUCM Publisher details
  • Field Name: publisher
  • Type: Object
Publisher Server Name The name of the CUCM Publisher server.
  • Field Name: Cluster Details.publisher.name
  • Type: String
Publisher Hostname or IP Address The SERVICE_PROVIDER_SPACE Hostname or IPV4 Address of the CUCM Publisher server.
  • Field Name: Cluster Details.publisher.description
  • Type: String
Publisher Username The username of the user which has permissions to log into the CUCM GUI and perform administrative tasks.
  • Field Name: Cluster Details.publisher.username
  • Type: String
Publisher Password The password of this user.
  • Field Name: Cluster Details.publisher.password
  • Type: String
  • Is Password: True
Publisher Hostname or IP Address The SERVICE_PROVIDER_SPACE Hostname or IPV4 Address of the CUCM Publisher server.
  • Field Name: Cluster Details.description
  • Type: String
Publisher Username The username of the user which has permissions to log into the CUCM GUI and perform administrative tasks.
  • Field Name: Cluster Details.username
  • Type: String
Publisher Password The password of this user.
  • Field Name: Cluster Details.password
  • Type: String
  • Is Password: True
CUCM Subscriber Details CUCM Subscribers
  • Field Name: subscriber.[n]
  • Type: Array
Subscriber Server Name The name of the CUCM Subscriber server
  • Field Name: Cluster Details.subscriber.[n].name
  • Type: String
Hostname or IP Address The SERVICE_PROVIDER_SPACE Hostname or IPV4 Address of the CUCM Subscriber server.
  • Field Name: Cluster Details.subscriber.[n].description
  • Type: String
Username The username of the user which has permissions to log into the CUCM GUI and perform administrative tasks.
  • Field Name: Cluster Details.subscriber.[n].username
  • Type: String
Password The password of this user.
  • Field Name: Cluster Details.subscriber.[n].password
  • Type: String
  • Is Password: True
Is Music Server Enable if this Subscriber server is a Music On Hold server. When enabled, files pushed to the Cluster will be uploaded to this server.
  • Field Name: Cluster Details.subscriber.[n].is_music_server
  • Type: Boolean
API reference for relation/WebDriverCucmCluster