Title | Description | Details | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CUP Server Name * |
virtualMachine |
cUPCluster * |
Voss Cluster |
Name * | The (unique) name of the CUP cluster. |
Version | Indicates the version of the CUPs within the cluster. |
HostNameOrIP | The hostname or IPV4 of the CUP |
User Move Mode | The behavior for moving users to site. Setting this value to Automatic will trigger the system to apply the move filters (refer to User Management) automatically when users are sync'd into the system. Automatic is only applicable to creating new users. Setting this value to Manual means that users must be moved to site by an Adminstrator (refer to User Management). Default: Automatic |
User Entitlement Profile | The Entitlement Profile assigned to users imported from this UC Application. |
Misc Data | Miscellaneous data used at run-time |
Migrate from HCM-F to CUCDM | Migrate HCM-F Models to CUCDM Models Default: false |
Multi-Tenant | Indicates whether the cluster applications are dedicated to a customer or shared across multiple customers |
description |
networkAddresses |
domain |
iPAddrV4 |
description |
iPAddrV6 |
hostShortNameOnly |
isModifiable |
isSRVAddress * |
typeAddressSpace * |
cdmUpdateTimestamp |
id |
syncTimestamp |
isDeletable |
Sdr Cluster |
status |
typeAppVersion * |
customers |
description |
ownsOrgUnit |
typeCucmCupSharingMode | Default: DEDICATED |
connectionStatus |
cdmUpdateTimestamp |
lastExecutedTime |
id |
uUID |
numEndUserSubscribers |
isManualMode |
countryCode |
monitorsPrimeCollab |
eLM |
lastSuccessfulTime |
clusterID |
virtualAccounts |
name * |
isModifiable |
cUOM |
callProcessingID |
isDeletable |
type * | Default: CUPCluster |
syncTimestamp |
routingId |
isUCPublisher |
isModifiable |
cdmUpdateTimestamp |
Cluster Name |
credentials |
password_CommunityString |
description |
userID |
typeCredential * |
isModifiable |
cdmUpdateTimestamp |
typeSNMPAccess | Default: RO |
id |
syncTimestamp |
isDeletable |
isAutoLinked | Default: True |
type * | Default: CUP |
id |
syncTimestamp |
isDeletable |