Title | Description | Details | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MigrationDelayInDays | Specifies the number of days the system will wait before beginning a migration to or from the unified contact store. MigrationDelayInDays can be set to any value between 0 and 180, inclusive. The default value is 0. |
EnableAwaySinceIndication | PARAMVALUE: $true | $false |
UcsAllowed | When set to True (the default value) users affected by the policy will automatically be migrated to the unified contact store (assuming that they have an account on Exchange and that they log on using Skype for Business). When set to False, users can be removed from the unified contact store, but only if they are "manually" removed by the Invoke-CsUcsRollback cmdlet. |
ScopeClass |
Element |
InMemory | Creates an object reference without actually committing the object as a permanent change. If you assign the output of this cmdlet called with this parameter to a variable, you can make changes to the properties of the object reference and then commit those changes by calling this cmdlet's matching Set- cmdlet. |
Tenant | Globally unique identifier (GUID) of the Skype for Business Online tenant account for which the new user services policy is being created. For example: -Tenant "38aad667-af54-4397-aaa7-e94c79ec2308" You can return the tenant ID for each of your tenants by running this command: Get-CsTenant | Select-Object DisplayName, TenantID |
Anchor |
Identity * | Unique identifier for the policy to be created. To create a policy at the site scope, use syntax similar to this: -Identity "site:Redmond" To create a policy at the service scope, use syntax similar to this: -Identity "UserServer:atl-cs-001.litwareinc.com" Note that the User Server service is the only service that can host a user services policy. Policies can also be created at the per-user scope. To create a per-user policy, use syntax similar to this: -Identity "RedmondUserServicesPolicy" |