
Model: device/skypeforbusinesshybrid/CsServerApplication

Model Details

Title Description Details
InMemory Creates an object reference without actually committing the object as a permanent change. If you assign the output of this cmdlet called with this parameter to a variable, you can make changes to the properties of the object reference and then commit those changes by calling this cmdlet's matching Set-<cmdlet>.
  • Field Name: InMemory
  • Type: Boolean
Name * Friendly name for the service. If you use the Identity parameter you do not need to include the Name parameter when creating a new service; instead, the Name property will be populated using the name portion of the application Identity. For example, if you create a new application with the Identity service:Registrar:atl-cs-001.litwareinc.com/TestService the application will automatically be named TestService. The Name parameter is required only if you use the Parent parameter.
  • Field Name: Name
  • Type: String
Parent * Specifies the service that will host the new server application. If you use the Identity parameter, then you do not need to use either the Parent or the Name parameters; that's because the application Identity combines the values of the Parent and Name properties. However, you can omit the Identity parameter by using the Parent and Name parameters instead. In that case, the Parent parameter would need to look something like this: -Parent "Registrar:atl-cs-001.litwareinc.com"
  • Field Name: Parent
  • Type: String
Script Enables you to associate the server application with a script. To add a script to a server application, use syntax similar to this: -Script "Update.ps1" To remove a script, simply set the Script property to a null value: -Script $Null Each server application can only be associated with one script.
  • Field Name: Script
  • Type: String
Enabled Set this value to True to enable the application. Set the value to False to disable the application. If this parameter is not specified the Enabled property will be set to False and the new application will be disabled.
  • Field Name: Enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Uri * Unique Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the application. For example, the QoEAgent application has the URI http://www.microsoft.com/LCS/QoEAgent.
  • Field Name: Uri
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Element
  • Type: String
Priority Indicates the order of execution for server applications. The application with priority 0 is started first; the application with priority 1 is started second; and so on. Note that each service that hosts a server application has its own unique set of priorities. For example, the Registrar service might host three applications with corresponding priorities 0, 1, and 2. Similarly, the Edge Server service might have four applications; these applications will have the priorities 0, 1, 2, and 3. If you do not specify a priority then the application will automatically be added to the bottom of the priority list. If you add or remove an application the priorities of the other applications will be adjusted accordingly. For example, if you delete an application that has a priority of 0 then the application that previously had the priority 1 will automatically have its priority set to 0.
  • Field Name: Priority
  • Type: Integer
ScriptName Path to the Microsoft SIP Processing Language (MSPL) script used by the application (if applicable). MSPL is a scripting language used for filtering and routing SIP messages.
  • Field Name: ScriptName
  • Type: String
Critical If set to True, then Skype for Business Server 2015 will not start unless the application in question can be started. If False, then Skype for Business Server 2015 will start regardless of whether or not the application can be started. If this parameter is not specified the Critical property will be set to True.
  • Field Name: Critical
  • Type: Boolean
Identity * Unique identifier for the server application to be created. Server application Identities are composed of the service where the application is hosted plus the application name. For example, the server application named QoEAgent might have an Identity similar to this: service:Registrar:atl-cs-001.litwareinc.com/QoEAgent.
  • Field Name: Identity
  • Type: String
API reference for device/skypeforbusinesshybrid/CsServerApplication