
Model: device/skypeforbusinesshybrid/CsConferencingPolicy

Model Details

Title Description Details
EnableOnlineMeetingPromptForLyncResources When set to True, users will be prompted any time they schedule a meeting in Outlook that includes invitees (such as a meeting room) that would benefit from having the meeting held online. The default value is False.
  • Field Name: EnableOnlineMeetingPromptForLyncResources
  • Type: Boolean
FileTransferBitRateKb Bit rate (in kilobits) used for file transfers. The default value is 50000.
  • Field Name: FileTransferBitRateKb
  • Type: Integer
AllowNonEnterpriseVoiceUsersToDialOut Indicates whether or users who have not been enabled for Enterprise Voice are allowed to join a conference using dial-out phoning. With dial-out phoning the conferencing server will telephone the user; when the user answers the phone, he or she will be joined to the conference. Note that dial-in conferencing is allowed even when this setting is False. This setting applies to the user who organizes the conference: if set to False, no conference created by a user affected by this policy will allow users who have not been enabled for Enterprise Voice to join the conference via dial-out phoning. However, the user can take part in other conferences where users who have not been enabled for Enterprise Voice can join via dial out. The default value is False ($False).
  • Field Name: AllowNonEnterpriseVoiceUsersToDialOut
  • Type: Boolean
AllowMultiView When set to True (the default value) enables users to schedule conferences that allow multiview; that is, clients can receive multiple video streams during a given conference. This setting applies to the user who organizes the conference: if set to False, no conference created by a user affected by this policy can include multiview. However, the user can participate in other conferences where multiview is allowed.
  • Field Name: AllowMultiView
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: ScopeClass
  • Type: String
EnableFileTransfer Indicates whether file transfers to all the meeting participants are allowed during the meeting. The default value is True. This setting applies to the user who organizes the conference: if set to False, no conference created by a user affected by this policy will allow file transfers. However, the user can take part in other conferences where file transfers are allowed.
  • Field Name: EnableFileTransfer
  • Type: Boolean
EnableP2PFileTransfer Indicates whether peer-to-peer file transfers (that is, file transfers that do not involve all participants) are allowed during the meeting. The default value is True. This setting is enforced at the per-user level. That means that one user in a peer-to-peer communication session might be allowed to transfer files while the other user is not.
  • Field Name: EnableP2PFileTransfer
  • Type: Boolean
DisablePowerPointAnnotations When set to True ($True) users will not be able to add annotations to PowerPoint slides used in a conference. However (depending on the value of the AllowAnnotations property), users will still have access to other whiteboarding features. The default value is False, meaning that PowerPoint annotations are allowed.
  • Field Name: DisablePowerPointAnnotations
  • Type: Boolean
Description Enables administrators to provider explanatory text about the conferencing policy. For example, the Description might indicate the users the policy should be assigned to.
  • Field Name: Description
  • Type: String
EnableAppDesktopSharing Indicates whether participants are allowed to share applications (or their desktop) during the course of a meeting. Allowed values are: Desktop. Users are allowed to share their entire desktop. SingleApplication. Users are allowed to share a single application. None. Users are not allowed to share applications or their desktop. This setting is enforced at the per-user level. That means that some users in a conference might be allowed to share their desktop or applications while other users in the same conference might not be allowed to do so. The default value is Desktop.
  • Field Name: EnableAppDesktopSharing
  • Type: String
AllowParticipantControl Indicates whether or not meeting participants are allowed to take control of applications or desktops shared during the meeting. The default value is True. This setting applies to the user who organizes the conference: if set to False, no conference created by a user affected by this policy will allow participant control. However, the user can take part in other conferences where participant control is allowed.
  • Field Name: AllowParticipantControl
  • Type: Boolean
AllowSharedNotes When set to True (the default value) any open OneNote notebooks linked to the conference will automatically be updated with information such as conference participants and details about content shared during the conference.
  • Field Name: AllowSharedNotes
  • Type: Boolean
AllowPolls Indicates whether or not users are allowed to conduct online polls during a meeting. The default value is True. This setting applies to the user who organizes the conference: if set to False, no conference created by a user affected by this policy will allow polls. However, the user can take part in other conferences where polls are allowed.
  • Field Name: AllowPolls
  • Type: Boolean
AllowExternalUserControl Indicates whether external users (either anonymous users or federated users) are allowed to take control of shared applications or desktops. The default value is False. This setting is enforced at the per-user level, and for both conferences and peer-to-peer communication sessions. That means that some users in a session might be allowed to give up control of a shared application or desktop to an external user while other users might not be allowed to give up control.
  • Field Name: AllowExternalUserControl
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: ApplicationSharingMode
  • Type: String
AllowConferenceRecording Indicates whether users are allowed to record the meeting. The default value is False. This setting applies to all users taking part in the conference.
  • Field Name: AllowConferenceRecording
  • Type: Boolean
VideoBitRateKb Bit rate (in kilobits) used for video transmissions. The default value is 50000. This setting is enforced at the per-user level, and for both conferences and peer-to-peer communication sessions.
  • Field Name: VideoBitRateKb
  • Type: Integer
EnableMultiViewJoin When set to True (the default value) clients will attempt to join a conference using multiview (which allows the client to receive multiple video streams during the conference). This parameter will be ignored if multiview is not allowed in the conference being joined. This setting is enforced at the per-user level, and for both conferences and peer-to-peer communication sessions. That means that some users in a session might be allowed to have multiple video streams while other users in the same conference might not.
  • Field Name: EnableMultiViewJoin
  • Type: Boolean
AppSharingBitRateKb Bit rate (in kilobits) used for application sharing. The default value is 50000.
  • Field Name: AppSharingBitRateKb
  • Type: Integer
Identity * Unique identifier for the conferencing policy to be created. Conferencing policies can be created at the site or per-user scopes. To create a site policy, use syntax similar to this: -Identity site:Redmond. To create a per-user policy, use syntax similar to this: -Identity SalesConferencingPolicy.
  • Field Name: Identity
  • Type: String
EnableP2PVideo If True, users will be able to take part in peer-to-peer video conferencing sessions. The default value is False. This setting is enforced at the per-user level. That means that one user in a peer-to-peer communication session might be allowed to use video the session while the other user is not.
  • Field Name: EnableP2PVideo
  • Type: Boolean
AllowAnonymousParticipantsInMeetings Indicates whether anonymous users are allowed to participate in the meeting. If set to False then only authenticated users (that is, users logged on to your Active Directory Domain Services or the Active Directory of a federated partner) are allowed to attend the meeting. The default value is True. This setting applies to the user who organizes the conference: if set to False, no conference created by a user affected by this policy will allow anonymous participants. However, the user can take part in other conferences where anonymous participants are allowed.
  • Field Name: AllowAnonymousParticipantsInMeetings
  • Type: Boolean
AllowAnnotations Indicates whether or not participants are allowed to make on-screen annotations on any content shared during the meeting; in addition, this setting determines whether or not whiteboarding is allowed in the conference. The default value is True. Note that annotations are not archived along with other meeting content. This setting applies to the user who organizes the conference: if set to False, no conference created by a user affected by this policy will include annotations. However, the user can participate in other conferences where annotations are allowed.
  • Field Name: AllowAnnotations
  • Type: Boolean
AudioBitRateKb Bit rate (in kilobits) used for audio transmissions. The audio bit rate can be any whole number between 20 and 200, inclusive; the default value is 200. This setting is enforced at the per-user level, and for both conferences and peer-to-peer communication sessions.
  • Field Name: AudioBitRateKb
  • Type: Integer
AllowExternalUsersToSaveContent Indicates whether external users (that is, users not currently logged-on to your network) are allowed to save handouts, slides, and other meeting content. The default value is True. This setting applies to the user who organizes the conference: if set to False, no conference created by a user affected by this policy will allow external users to save content. However, the user can take part in other conferences where external users are allowed to save content.
  • Field Name: AllowExternalUsersToSaveContent
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: Element
  • Type: String
InMemory Creates an object reference without actually committing the object as a permanent change. If you assign the output of this cmdlet called with this parameter to a variable, you can make changes to the properties of the object reference and then commit those changes by calling this cmdlet's matching Set-<cmdlet>.
  • Field Name: InMemory
  • Type: Boolean
AllowIPAudio Indicates whether or not computer audio is allowed in the meeting. The default value is True. This setting applies to the user who organizes the conference: if set to False, no conference created by a user affected by this policy will allow IP audio. However, the user can take part in other conferences where IP audio is allowed.
  • Field Name: AllowIPAudio
  • Type: Boolean
AllowOfficeContent When set to False, prevents users from using Office content in their conferences.
  • Field Name: AllowOfficeContent
  • Type: Boolean
AllowAnonymousUsersToDialOut Indicates whether or not anonymous users (unauthenticated users) are allowed to join a conference using dial-out phoning. With dial-out phoning, the conferencing server telephones the user; when the user answers the phone, he or she will be joined to the conference. Note that dial-in conferencing is allowed even if this setting is False. This setting applies to the user who organizes the conference: if set to False, no conference created by a user affected by this policy will allow anonymous participants to join the conference via dial-out phoning. However, the user can take part in other conferences where anonymous users can join via dial out. The default value is False.
  • Field Name: AllowAnonymousUsersToDialOut
  • Type: Boolean
AllowLargeMeetings When set to True, all online meetings are treated as "large meeting." With a large meeting, restrictions are placed on the number of notifications that are sent to participants as well as the size of the meeting roster that is transmitted by default. The default value is False ($False).
  • Field Name: AllowLargeMeetings
  • Type: Boolean
AllowUserToScheduleMeetingsWithAppSharing Indicates whether or not users are allowed to organize meetings that include application sharing. The default value is True. This setting applies to the user who organizes the conference: if set to False, no conference created by a user affected by this policy will allow application sharing. However, the user can take part in other conferences where application sharing is allowed.
  • Field Name: AllowUserToScheduleMeetingsWithAppSharing
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: Anchor
  • Type: String
AllowFederatedParticipantJoinAsSameEnterprise When set to True ($True), allows federated meeting participants to join the meeting as though they were internal users rather than external users.
  • Field Name: AllowFederatedParticipantJoinAsSameEnterprise
  • Type: Boolean
EnableDialInConferencing Indicates whether users are able to join the meeting by dialing in with a public switched telephone network (PSTN) telephone. The default value is True. This setting applies to the user who organizes the conference: if set to False, no conference created by a user affected by this policy will allow dial-in conferencing. However, the user can take part in other conferences where dial-in conferencing is allowed.
  • Field Name: EnableDialInConferencing
  • Type: Boolean
AllowQandA When set to True (the default value) the user will be able to include the Questions and Answers Manager in any online conference that he or she organizes. When set to False, the user will be prohibited from including Questions and Answers Manager in any of his or her conferences. This setting applies to the user who organizes the conference: if set to False, no conference created by a user affected by this policy will allow the use of the Questions and Answers Manager. However, the user can make use of the Questions and Answers Manager in other conferences where polls are allowed.
  • Field Name: AllowQandA
  • Type: Boolean
EnableDataCollaboration Indicates whether users can organize meetings that include data collaboration activities such as whiteboarding and annotations. This setting applies to the user who organizes the conference: if set to False, no conference created by a user affected by this policy will allow data collaboration. However, the user can take part in other conferences where data collaboration is allowed.
  • Field Name: EnableDataCollaboration
  • Type: Boolean
MaxMeetingSize Indicates the maximum number of people who are allowed to attend a meeting. After the maximum number of participants has been reached, anyone else who tries to join the meeting will be turned away with the notice that the meeting is full. The number of participants specified in this value can be any 32-bit whole number (any value between 1 and 4,294,967,295), but the recommended size is between 2 and 250, inclusive; the default value is 250. 250 is the maximum for shared pool deployments, based on Microsoft testing. For information about supporting meeting with more than 250 participants, see "Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Support for Large Meetings" at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkId=242073 (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkId=242073). This setting applies to the user who organizes the conference: no conference created by a user affected by this policy will allow more than the specified number of participants. However, the user can take part in other conferences where additional participants are allowed.
  • Field Name: MaxMeetingSize
  • Type: Integer
TotalReceiveVideoBitRateKb Indicates the maximum allowed bitrate (in kilobytes per second) for all the video used in a conference; that is, the combined total for all the video streams. The default value is 50000 kilobytes per second.
  • Field Name: TotalReceiveVideoBitRateKb
  • Type: Integer
Tenant Globally unique identifier (GUID) of the Skype for Business Online tenant account for whom the new conferencing policy is being created. For example: -Tenant "38aad667-af54-4397-aaa7-e94c79ec2308" You can return the tenant ID for each of your Skype for Business Online tenants by running this command: Get-CsTenant | Select-Object DisplayName, TenantID
  • Field Name: Tenant
  • Type: String
EnableP2PRecording If True, users will be able to record peer-to-peer conferencing sessions. The default value is False. This setting is enforced at the per-user level. That means that one user in a peer-to-peer communication session might be allowed to record the session while the other user is not.
  • Field Name: EnableP2PRecording
  • Type: Boolean
MaxVideoConferenceResolution Indicates the maximum resolution for meeting video. Allowed values are: CIF. Common Intermediate Format (CIF) has a resolution of 352 pixels by 288 pixels. VGA. VGA has a resolution of 640 pixels by 480 pixels. The default value is VGA.
  • Field Name: MaxVideoConferenceResolution
  • Type: String
AllowExternalUsersToRecordMeeting Indicates whether external users (either anonymous users or federated users) are allowed to record the meeting. The default value is False. This setting applies to the user who organizes the conference: if set to False, no conference created by a user affected by this policy will allow external users to record conferences. However, the user can take part in other conferences where external users are allowed to record meetings. Note that this setting takes effect only if the AllowConferenceRecording property is set to True.
  • Field Name: AllowExternalUsersToRecordMeeting
  • Type: Boolean
AllowIPVideo Indicates whether or not computer video is allowed in the meeting. The default value is True. This setting applies to the user who organizes the conference: if set to False, no conference created by a user affected by this policy will allow IP video. However, the user can take part in other conferences where IP video is allowed.
  • Field Name: AllowIPVideo
  • Type: Boolean
API reference for device/skypeforbusinesshybrid/CsConferencingPolicy