Title | Description | Details | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ApplicationDatabase | Returns information about the Application databases used in your organization. Application databases are used by the Application service. |
AppSharingPortCount |
IsDfsShare |
InternalFqdn * |
AutodiscoverServiceInternalUri |
ExternalHttpPort |
MeetingRoomAdminPortalExternalListeningPort |
BackupPersistentChatDatabase |
UcwaSipPrimaryListeningPort |
AppSharingSipPort |
BackupRegistrar |
ConfDirManagementWcfTcpPort |
ArchivingDatabase | Returns information about the Archiving databases used in your organization. Archiving databases store transcripts of instant messaging sessions. |
PrimaryUcapSipPort |
BRBStorageServiceInternalUri |
ConferenceServer |
CentralManagementDatabase | Returns information about the Central Management store used in your organization. The Central Management store maintains configuration information for Skype for Business Server 2015. |
ReachPrimaryPsomServerPort |
MirrorUserDatabase |
AudioVideoSipPort |
MirrorApplicationDatabase |
AppSharingWebPort |
WinFabReplicationPort |
MeetingWebPort |
SipClientTcpPort |
SupportConferenceConsoleSipPrimaryListeningPort |
SipHealthPort |
PoolFqdn | Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the pool hosting the service or server role. If you use the PoolFqdn parameter without specifying a service-specific parameter, then all the services and server roles found on that pool will be returned. |
EdgeServer | Returns information about the Edge Servers used in your organization. Edge Servers provide connectivity between your internal network and the Internet. |
HybridConfigServiceInternalUri |
ImSipPort |
PdpSipPort |
WebPort |
AtsSipPort |
BackupMirrorPersistentChatDatabase |
FailureDetectionInterval |
PrimaryHttpPort |
DeviceUpdateDownloadInternalUri |
RgsAgentServiceExternalUri |
AudioPortCount |
DisplayName * |
RmWebSipPrimaryListeningPort |
Version |
FileStore | Returns information about the File Stores used in your organization. The File Store is used to maintain Skype for Business Server 2015 files, such as audio files used by the Announcement service. |
VideoPortStart |
UcwaServiceExternalUri |
ABHandlerInternalUri |
CpsSipPort |
VxmlServiceInternalUri |
PersistentChatWebInternalUri |
MirrorPersistentChatDatabase |
McxSipExternalListeningPort |
MediaOnlyConferenceServer |
CasSipPort |
MeetExternalUri |
UcwaServiceInternalUri |
BackupPersistentChatComplianceDatabase |
HostedMigrationServiceExternalUri |
PhoneSipPort |
CAHandlerExternalUri |
ActiveServers |
PrimaryUcwaSipPort |
SipClientTlsPort |
AudioVideoWebPort |
UserServer | Returns information about the User Services service used in your organization. The User Services service provides such things as user replication, in-band provisioning, presence publication and notification, and contact card exchange. |
MonitoringDatabase | Returns information about the monitoring databases used in your organization. Monitoring databases store Enterprise Voice phone usage and call quality information. |
LIServiceInternalUri |
RgsSipPort |
SipPort |
MirrorArchivingDatabase |
DeviceUpdateDownloadExternalUri |
PhoneWebPort |
DeviceUpdateStoreExternalUri |
RgsWcfMtlsPort |
WebServer | Returns information about the Web Services service used in your organization. The Web Services service host web-based applications such as the Address Book service. |
SqlInstanceName |
MirrorPersistentChatComplianceDatabase |
PublishedPrimaryHttpPort |
PersistentChatComplianceDatabase | Returns information about the databases used for maintaining Persistent Chat compliance information. |
ReachInternalUri |
InactiveServers |
SupportConferenceConsoleSipExternalListeningPort |
AppSharingPortStart |
SipServerTcpPort |
UcwaSipExternalListeningPort |
MeetingPsomPort |
RmWebSipExternalListeningPort |
DataWebPort |
ShareName |
AutodiscoverServiceExternalUri |
VideoPortCount |
SipServerPort |
WinFabFederationPort |
UserPinManagementWcfHttpPort |
Applications |
Active |
ReachExternalPsomServerPort |
Identity | Unique identifier of the specific service or server role to be returned. For example: -Identity "Registrar:atl-cs-001.litwareinc.com" |
XmppGatewaySipPort |
ABHandlerExternalUri |
WacServer | Returns information about the Office Web Apps servers used with Microsoft Lync Server. Office Web Apps server was previously known as "WacServer". |
PersistentChatWebManagerExternalUri |
McuFactorySipPort |
FailbackDetectionInterval |
CscpInternalUri |
PublishedPrimaryHttpsPort |
BRBStorageServiceExternalUri |
RgsAgentServiceInternalUri |
BackupMirrorPersistentChatComplianceDatabase |
ExternalUcwaSipPort |
DependentServiceList |
ReachExternalUri |
ExternalHttpsPort |
PublishedExternalHttpsPort |
DeviceUpdateStoreInternalUri |
McxSipPrimaryListeningPort |
PrimaryVxmlSipPort |
CollabContentExternalUri |
SupportConferenceConsoleExternalUri |
SupportConferenceConsoleInternalUri |
MtlsPort |
DataPsomPort |
WebTicketExternalUri |
VxmlSipPrimaryListeningPort |
WinFabLeaseAgentPort |
UcapServiceExternalUri |
PrimaryHttpsPort |
WinFabIPCPort |
VxmlServiceExternalUri |
CaaSipPort |
MirrorCentralManagementDatabase |
Mcus |
UcapSipPrimaryListeningPort |
EnableAutomaticFailover * |
MirrorMonitoringDatabase |
UncPath |
PdpTurnPort |
PublishedExternalHttpPort |
ServiceId |
HybridConfigServiceExternalUri |
CollabContentInternalUri |
DialinExternalUri |
Role |
MonitoringServer | Returns information about the Monitoring Servers used in your organization. Monitoring Servers are used to track Enterprise Voice phone usage and call quality. |
ArchivingServer | Returns information about the Archiving Servers used in your organization. Archiving Servers enable you to save the transcripts of instant messaging sessions. |
AudioPortStart |
CAHandlerInternalAnonUri |
UserDatabase | Returns information about the User database used in your organization. User databases store data needed by the User Server service. |
Registrar | Returns information about the Registrars used in your organization. Registrars are used to authenticate users and to keep track of a user's current status. |
WinFabClientConnectionPort |
DLExpansionInternalUri |
WebTicketInternalUri |
LyssWcfMtlsPort |
MeetingRoomAdminPortalInternalListeningPort |
ExternalFqdn |
ImWebPort |
PersistentChatDatabase | Returns information about the databases used for maintaining Persistent Chat information. |
PersistentChatWebManagerInternalUri |
McxServiceExternalUri |
DLExpansionExternalUri |
CAHandlerInternalUri |
SiteId |
UcapServiceInternalUri |
McxServiceInternalUri |