
Model: device/skypeforbusiness/CsNetworkConfiguration

Model Details

Title Description Details
MediaBypassSettings * A reference to an object that defines the global media bypass settings for the CAC configuration. Setting this value will overwrite all existing media bypass settings. You obtain this object reference by calling the New-CsNetworkMediaBypassConfiguration cmdlet and assigning the new configuration settings to a variable. Pass this variable to the MediaBypassSettings parameter to change the global media bypass settings.
  • Field Name: MediaBypassSettings
  • Type: String
Subnets A collection of network subnets (each of which associates an endpoint with a site) defined within the CAC configuration. You can retrieve all the members of this collection by calling the Get-CsNetworkSubnet cmdlet.
  • Field Name: Subnets
  • Type: String
NetworkSites A collection of network sites (each of which represents an office or location within a region) defined within the CAC configuration. You can retrieve all the members of this collection by calling the Get-CsNetworkSite cmdlet.
  • Field Name: NetworkSites
  • Type: String
InterNetworkSitePolicies A collection of network inter-site policies defined within the CAC configuration. You can retrieve all the members of this collection by calling the Get-CsNetworkInterSitePolicy cmdlet.
  • Field Name: InterNetworkSitePolicies
  • Type: String
BWPolicyProfiles A collection of all the bandwidth policy profiles that can be assigned to sites, inter-site policies, and network region links. Each bandwidth policy profile contains bandwidth limitations (overall limitations and session limitations) for audio and/or video connections. A full list of bandwidth policy profiles can be retrieved by calling the Get-CsNetworkBandwidthPolicyProfile cmdlet.
  • Field Name: BWPolicyProfiles
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: ScopeClass
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Element
  • Type: String
EnableBandwidthPolicyCheck * Setting this parameter to True will run a validation check against the entire CAC configuration. If all validation checks pass, or if you choose to ignore all warnings, CAC will be enabled. If a validation check does not pass, you can choose to stop the validation and the value of EnableBandwidthPolicyCheck will not change. You must have region routes defined between each pair of network regions before you running the validation check. Setting this value to False will disable CAC. Default: False
  • Field Name: EnableBandwidthPolicyCheck
  • Type: Boolean
InterNetworkRegionRoutes A collection of all the network region routes defined within the CAC configuration. You can retrieve all the members of this collection by calling the Get-CsNetworkInterRegionRoute cmdlet.
  • Field Name: InterNetworkRegionRoutes
  • Type: String
NetworkRegionLinks A collection of network region links defined within the CAC configuration. Each network region link defines a connection that exists between two regions and any bandwidth limitations that should be applied to connections between those regions. You can retrieve all the members of this collection by calling the Get-CsNetworkRegionLink cmdlet.
  • Field Name: NetworkRegionLinks
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Anchor
  • Type: String
Identity This will always be Global.
  • Field Name: Identity
  • Type: String
NetworkRegions A collection of network regions (each of which represents a hub or backbone within the network) defined within the CAC configuration. You can retrieve all the members of this collection by calling the Get-CsNetworkRegion cmdlet.
  • Field Name: NetworkRegions
  • Type: String
API reference for device/skypeforbusiness/CsNetworkConfiguration