Title | Description | Details | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CachedUserThreshold * | Specifies the maximum number of entries that can be held in the conversation history cache before the cleanup process is automatically invoked. The CacheUserThreshold property can be set to any integer value between 0 and 4294967295, inclusive; the default value is 1000000. |
UserCacheItemExpirationSeconds * | Number of seconds that an item can remain in the user cache before it is automatically deleted. If this value is not configured then cache items do not expire automatically. The expiration time can be set to any integer value between 0 and 86400 seconds, inclusive. The default value is 7200 seconds. |
UserCacheInvalidItemExpirationSeconds * | Number of seconds that an invalid item can remain in the user cache before it is automatically deleted. If this value is not configured then invalid cache items do not expire automatically. The expiration time can be set to any integer value between 0 and 86400 seconds, inclusive. The default value is 9999 seconds. |
ScopeClass |
Element |
EnableServerConversationHistory * | When set to True ($True), conversation histories and related information will be stored on the server. The default value is False, which means that this information is stored in user mailboxes. |
Anchor |
CachedUserCleanupPercentage * | Specifies the percentage of entries in the conversation history cache that will be processed each time cache cleanup is invoked. The cleanup percentage can be set to any integer value between 1 and 100, inclusive; the default value is 20. |
MaxContinuedConversationRetry * | PARAMVALUE: UInt32 |
Identity | Unique Identity of the conversation history configuration settings. Because you can only have a single, global instance of these settings, you do not need to specify an Identity when calling the Get-CsConversationHistoryConfiguration cmdlet. If you prefer, however, you can use the following syntax to reference the global settings: -Identity "global" |