Title | Description | Details | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EtlFileRolloverSizeMB | Maximum size (in megabytes) that at event trace log file can reach before a new file is created. The default value is 20. |
ScopeClass |
SupportedRolesFromKrakenDB | Comma-separated list of Skype for Business Online roles that are supported by the centralized logging service. |
Regions | Collection of regions defined for the centralized logging configuration settings. Regions are defined using the New-CsClsRegion cmdlet. This parameter is intended for use with Skype for Business Online. |
Version |
SupportedNonTopologyRolesFromKrakenDB | Comma-separated list of non-topology Skype for Business Online roles that are supported by the centralized logging service. |
CacheFileLocalMaxDiskUsage | Maximum amount of disk space (percentage) that can be used for the cache files. The default value is 80. |
CacheFileLocalRetentionPeriod | Maximum number of days that cache files are retained locally. The default value is 14. |
SecurityGroups | Security groups who are allowed to access the log files. This parameter is intended for use with Skype for Business Online. |
Identity * | Unique identifier for the centralized logging configuration settings to be created. Because these settings can only be created at the site scope, use syntax similar to this, with the prefix "site:" followed by the name of the site: -Identity "site:Redmond" |
CacheFileNetworkFolder | Full UNC path to the network cache folder. There is no default value. |
NetworkUsagePacketSize | Packet size (in kilobytes) for transmitting agent search results and copying cache files over the network. The default value is 64 KB. |
Element |
InMemory | Creates an object reference without actually committing the object as a permanent change. If you assign the output of this cmdlet called with this parameter to a variable, you can make changes to the properties of the object reference and then commit those changes by calling this cmdlet's matching Set- cmdlet. |
MinimumClsAgentServiceVersion | Specifies the minimum version of the centralized logging service agent to be used when logging data; any computers with an agent version lower than the minimum value will be excluded from the logging operations. The default value is 6, representing Skype for Business Server 2015. This parameter is intended for use with Skype for Business Online. |
KrakenDBConnectionString | Connection string to the Skype for Business Online database that maintains your centralizing logging service logs. |
Anchor |
CacheFileLocalFolders | One or more full paths to the local folders where the cache files will be stored. The default value is %TEMP%\Tracing. If more than one path is specified, then separate them with semi-colons. |
ComponentThrottleLimit | Maximum rate at which a component is allowed to generate trace records before its tracing is throttled. The default value is 5000 trace calls per second. |
Scenarios | Collection of components/situations that can be traced using centralized logging. Scenarios are managed using the CsClsScenario cmdlets. |
EtlFileRolloverMinutes | Maximum amount of time (in minutes) that can elapse before a new event log trace file is created. (This new file will be created even if the existing trace file has not reached the specified rollover size.) The default value is 60. |
TmfFileSearchPath | Search path for TMF (trace message format) files. TMF files convert binary trace messages to a human-readable format. |
SearchTerms | Collection of terms that help determine the personally identifiable information available to technical support personnel who search the centralized logging files. Search terms are managed using the CsClsSearchTerm cmdlets. |
ComponentThrottleSample | Maximum number of times the ComponentThrottleLimit can be exceeded within a one minute interval. The default value is 3. |
NetworkUsageThreshold | Bandwidth usage threshold (in MB per second) for transmitting agent search results and copying cache files over the network. The default value is 10. |
EtlFileFolder | Full path to the folder where the event log trace files will be stored. The default value is %TEMP%\Tracing. Note that %TEMP% is evaluated in the contents of the CLS Service so it actual expands to %WINDIR%\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Local |