
Model: device/notification/service/CucmNotification

Model Details

Title Description Details
Version * The version of the Call Manager for which notifications are required. Only supported from version 9.0 onwards.
  • Field Name: version
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["9.0", "10.0"]
Notification Client Name The name of the client application that is listening for notifications from a Call Manager.
  • Field Name: client_name
  • Type: String
Notification Client Network Id Typically maps to the IP address or DNS name of the client application that is listening for notifications from a Call Manager.
  • Field Name: network_id
  • Type: String
Host Name * The host name for the Call Manager that sends the notifications.
  • Field Name: host
  • Type: String
Port The port that is used for communication with the Call Manager.
  • Field Name: port
  • Type: Integer
Admin Username * The username for an administrator's account of the Call Manager
  • Field Name: username
  • Type: String
Admin Password * The password for the given administrator account.
  • Field Name: password
  • Type: String
Polling Interval The rate (in seconds) at with the service will poll the call manager for change notifications.
  • Field Name: polling_interval
  • Type: Integer
Notification Objects A list of classes for which notifications are required.
  • Field Name: object_names.[n]
  • Type: Array
Registration Id An Id that is generated by the Call Manager for the client that is listening for change notifications.
  • Field Name: registration_id
  • Type: String
API reference for device/notification_service/CucmNotification