Title | Description | Details | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
City | The city of the user. |
DisplayName * | The display name of the user. |
FirstName | The first name of the user. |
Title | The title of the user. |
LastName | The last name of the user. |
TenantId | The unique ID of the tenant to perform the operation on. If this is not provided then the value will default to the tenant of the current user. This parameter is only applicable to partner users. |
State | The state where the user is located. |
PasswordNeverExpires | Sets whether or not the user's password will expire periodically. |
Department | The department of the user. |
LicenseAssignment | List of licenses to assign the user. |
AlternateMobilePhones | Alternate mobile phone numbers of the user |
AlternateEmailAddresses | The alternate email addresses of the user. |
BlockCredential | When true, the user will not be able to log on using their user ID. |
IsLicensed |
ForceChangePassword | When true, the user will be required to change their password the next time they sign in. |
Password | The new password for the user. If the user is set to require a strong password, then all of the following rules must be met: - The password must contain at least one lowercase letter - The password must contain at least one uppercase letter - The password must contain at least one non-alphanumeric character - The password cannot contain any spaces, tabs, or line breaks - The length of the password must be 8-16 characters - The user name cannot be contained in the password If this value is omitted, then a random password will be assigned to the user. |
UsageLocation | The location of the user where services are consumed. Must be a two-letter country code. |
ObjectId | The unique ID of the user to retrieve. |
PreferredLanguage | The preferred language of the user. |
Country | The country of the user. |
Fax | The fax number of the user. |
StreetAddress | The street address of the user. |
PhoneNumber | The phone number of the user. |
PostalCode | The postal code of the user. |
MobilePhone | The mobile phone number of the user. |
Office | The office of the user. |
UserPrincipalName * | The user ID for this user. This is required. |
ImmutableId | The immutable ID of the user's federated identity. This should be omitted for users with standard identities. |
ProxyAddresses |
LicenseOptions | License options for license assignment. Used to selectively disable individual service plans within a SKU. |
SignInName |
Licenses |
Name |
EnabledPlans |
Name |
ServiceType |
ServiceName |
ServicePlanId |
AccountSkuId |
StrongPasswordRequired | Sets whether or not the user requires a strong password. |