
Model: device/genericcucm/HeadsetInventory

Model Details

Title Description Details
Headset Details Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Headset Details
  • Type: Object
Headset Serial Number *
  • Field Name: Headset Details.headset_serialNumber
  • Type: String
Headset First Seen This is the time the headset was first seen in the UCM
  • Field Name: Headset Details.firstSeenTime
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
Headset Last Change This is the last time the headset status changed in the UCM
  • Field Name: Headset Details.lastChangeTime
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
Headset Owner This is the user logged in/associated with the headset
  • Field Name: Headset Details.headset_owner
  • Type: String
Headset Connection Status
  • Field Name: Headset Details.headset_connectionStatus
  • Type: String
Headset Connection Type
  • Field Name: Headset Details.headset_connectionType
  • Type: String
Headset Firmware Version
  • Field Name: Headset Details.headset_firmwareVersion
  • Type: String
Headset Model
  • Field Name: Headset Details.headset_model
  • Type: String
Headset Vendor
  • Field Name: Headset Details.headset_vendor
  • Type: String
Connected Device Details Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Connected Device Details
  • Type: Object
Connected Device Client
  • Field Name: Connected Device Details.host_client
  • Type: String
Connected Device Name This is the device the headset is connected to
  • Field Name: Connected Device Details.host_deviceNameTrimmed
  • Type: String
Connected Device Firmware Version
  • Field Name: Connected Device Details.host_firmwareVersion
  • Type: String
Connected Device OS Version
  • Field Name: Connected Device Details.host_hostOSVersion
  • Type: String
Connected Device Model
  • Field Name: Connected Device Details.host_model
  • Type: String
Connected Device Serial Number
  • Field Name: Connected Device Details.host_serialNumber
  • Type: String
Connected Device Owner This is the owner ID assigned to the connected device
  • Field Name: Connected Device Details.host_userId
  • Type: String
Dock Details Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Dock Details
  • Type: Object
Dock Firmware Version
  • Field Name: Dock Details.dock_firmwareVersion
  • Type: String
Dock Model
  • Field Name: Dock Details.dock_model
  • Type: String
Dock Serial Number
  • Field Name: Dock Details.dock_serialNumber
  • Type: String
API reference for device/genericcucm/HeadsetInventory