Title | Description | Details | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
IssueWarningQuota | This parameter is available only in on-premises Exchange 2016. The IssueWarningQuota parameter specifies the warning threshold for the size of the mailbox. If the mailbox reaches or exceeds this size, the user receives a descriptive warning message. A valid value is a number up to 1.999999999 terabytes (2199023254528 bytes) or the value unlimited. When you enter a number, you can qualify it with one of the following units: B (bytes) KB (kilobytes) MB (megabytes) GB (gigabytes) TB (terabytes) Unqualified values are typically treated as bytes, but small values may be rounded up to the nearest kilobyte. The IssueWarningQuota value must be less than or equal to the ProhibitSendReceiveQuota value. The default value is 49 GB. |
WhenCreatedUTC |
OrganizationId |
AdminDisplayName |
PSShowComputerName |
ObjectClass |
PSComputerName |
Identity | The Identity parameter specifies the site mailbox provisioning policy that you want to view. You can use any value that uniquely identifies the policy. For example: Name Distinguished name (DN) GUID |
DistinguishedName |
OriginatingServer |
Name * | This parameter is available only in on-premises Exchange 2016. The Name parameter specifies the unique name of the site mailbox provisioning policy. The maximum length is 64 characters. If the value contains spaces, enclose the value in quotation marks ("). |
MaxReceiveSize | This parameter is available only in on-premises Exchange 2016. The MaxReceiveSize parameter specifies the maximum size of a message that can be sent to the site mailbox. Messages larger than the maximum size are rejected. When you enter a value, qualify the value with one of the following units: B (bytes) KB (kilobytes) MB (megabytes) GB (gigabytes) TB (terabytes) Unqualified values are typically treated as bytes, but small values may be rounded up to the nearest kilobyte. A valid value is a number up to 1.999999 gigabytes (2147482624 bytes) or the value unlimited. The default value is 36 MB. |
WhenCreated |
ExchangeVersion |
IsDefault | This parameter is available only in on-premises Exchange 2016. The IsDefaultswitch specifies that the site mailbox provisioning policy is the default policy. You don't need to specify a value with this switch. You can have multiple policies, but only the default policy is followed when users create site mailboxes. |
DefaultAliasPrefixEnabled | This parameter is available only in on-premises Exchange 2016. The DefaultAliasPrefixEnabled parameter specifies whether new site mailboxes have the default prefix text added to the alias. Valid values are: • In on-premises Exchange, the the default prefix text is SM- (for example, the alias value BugBash_2016 becomes SM-BugBash_2016). $false Aliases don't get the default prefix text. The value of this parameter is related to the value of the AliasPrefix parameter. If you specify a text string for AliasPrefix, the DefaultAliasPrefixEnabled value is ignored. Specifying a text value for AliasPrefix automatically sets the value to $false, but even if you set it to $true, the default alias prefix text isn't used. |
AliasPrefix | This parameter is available only in on-premises Exchange 2016. The AliasPrefix parameter specifies the custom text prefix to add to the aliases of newsite mailboxes. Valid values are: A text string that's 8 characters or less. When you specify a text value, the value of the DefaultAliasPrefixEnabled parameter ignored and aliases get the text prefix you specified. • $false Aliases don't get any prefix text. |
DomainController | This parameter is available only in on-premises Exchange 2016. The DomainController parameter specifies the domain controller that's used by this cmdlet to read data from or write data to Active Directory. You identify the domain controller by its fully qualified domain name (FQDN). For example, dc01.contoso.com. |
ObjectCategory |
IsValid |
ProhibitSendReceiveQuota | This parameter is available only in on-premises Exchange 2016. The ProhibitSendReceiveQuota parameter specifies a size limit for the mailbox. If the mailbox reaches or exceeds this size, the mailbox can't send or receive new messages. Messages sent to the mailbox are returned to the sender with a descriptive error message. This value effectively determines the maximum size of the mailbox. A valid value is a number up to 1.999999999 terabytes (2199023254528 bytes) or the value unlimited. When you enter a number, you can qualify it with one of the following units: B (bytes) KB (kilobytes) MB (megabytes) GB (gigabytes) TB (terabytes) Unqualified values are typically treated as bytes, but small values may be rounded up to the nearest kilobyte. The value must be greater than or equal to the ProhibitSendQuota or IssueWarningQuota values. The default value is 50 GB. |
WhenChanged |
WhenChangedUTC |
ObjectState |
RunspaceId |
Guid |
Id |