Title | Description | Details | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WhenCreatedUTC |
OrganizationId |
OrganizationGuid * | The OrganizationGuid parameter specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the on-premises Exchange organization object in the Office 365 tenant. |
InboundConnector * | The InboundConnector parameter specifies the name of the inbound connector configured on the Microsoft Exchange Online Protection (EOP) service for a hybrid deployment configured with an on-premises Exchange organization. |
OrganizationName | The OrganizationName parameter specifies the Active Directory object name of the on-premises Exchange organization. |
PSShowComputerName |
OrganizationRelationship | The OrganizationRelationship parameter specifies the organization relationship configured by the Hybrid Configuration wizard on the Office 365 tenant as part of a hybrid deployment with an on-premises Exchange organization. This organization relationship defines the federated sharing features enabled on the Office 365 tenant. |
ObjectClass |
PSComputerName |
OutboundConnector * | The OutboundConnector parameter specifies the name of the outbound connector configured on the EOP service for a hybrid deployment configured with an on-premises Exchange organization. |
Identity | The Identity parameter specifies the identity of the on-premises organization object. You can use the following values: Canonical name GUID Name |
DistinguishedName |
OriginatingServer |
Name * | The Name parameter specifies a friendly name for the on-premises Exchange organization object in the Office 365 tenant. |
WhenCreated |
ExchangeVersion |
HybridDomains | The HybridDomains parameter specifies the domains that are configured in the hybrid deployment between an Office 365 tenant and an on-premises Exchange organization. The domains specified in this parameter must match the domains listed in the HybridConfiguration object for the on-premises Exchange organization configured by the Hybrid Configuration wizard. Multiple domains may be listed and must be separated by a comma, for example, "contoso.com, sales.contoso.com". |
Comment | PARAMVALUE: String |
ObjectCategory |
IsValid |
WhenChanged |
WhenChangedUTC |
ObjectState |
AdminDisplayName |
RunspaceId |
Guid |
Id |