Title | Description | Details | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
City * | The City parameter specifies the contact's city. |
AllowUMCallsFromNonUsers * | The AllowUMCallsFromNonUsers parameter specifies whether to exclude the contact from directory searches. |
DisplayName * | The DisplayName parameter specifies the display name of the contact. The display name is visible in the Exchange admin center and in address lists. The maximum length is 256 characters. If the value contains spaces, enclose the value in quotation marks ("). This parameter is meaninful only if the contact is mail-enabled. |
FirstName * | The FirstName parameter specifies the user's first name. |
RecipientTypeDetails * | The RecipientTypeDetails parameter specifies the type of recipients returned. Recipient types are divided into recipient types and subtypes. Each recipient type contains all common properties for all subtypes. For example, the type UserMailbox represents a user account in Active Directory that has an associated mailbox. Because there are several mailbox types, each mailbox type is identified by the RecipientTypeDetails parameter. For example, a conference room mailbox has RecipientTypeDetails set to ConferenceRoomMailbox, whereas a user mailbox has RecipientTypeDetails set to UserMailbox. You can select from the following values: ArbitrationMailbox ConferenceRoomMailbox Contact DiscoveryMailbox DynamicDistributionGroup EquipmentMailbox ExternalManagedContact ExternalManagedDistributionGroup LegacyMailbox LinkedMailbox MailboxPlan MailContact MailForestContact MailNonUniversalGroup MailUniversalDistributionGroup MailUniversalSecurityGroup MailUser PublicFolder RoleGroup RoomList RoomMailbox SharedMailbox SystemAttendantMailbox SystemMailbox User UserMailbox |
IsDirSynced * |
LastName * | The LastName parameter specifies the user's last name. |
PhoneticDisplayName * | The PhoneticDisplayName parameter specifies an alternate spelling of the user's name that's used for text to speech in Unified Messaging (UM) environments. Typically, you use this parameter when the pronunciation and spelling of the user's name don't match. The maximum length is 256 characters. If the value contains spaces, enclose the value in quotation marks ("). |
UMCallingLineIds | The UMCallingLineIds parameter specifies telephone numbers or extensions that can be mapped to a Unified Messaging (UM)-enabled user. You can specify more than one telephone number for each user, separated by a comma. Values for this parameter must be less than 128 characters in length and may include an optional plus sign (+) that precedes the numbers. Each UM-enabled user must have a unique UMCallingLineIds parameter value. |
OtherHomePhone | The OtherHomePhone parameter specifies the contact's alternative home telephone number. |
Department * | The Department parameter specifies the contact's department. |
WhenCreatedUTC * |
PSShowComputerName |
SimpleDisplayName * | The SimpleDisplayName parameter is used to display an alternative description of the object when only a limited set of characters is permitted. Valid characters are: a - z A - Z 0 - 9 "<space>", """, "'", "(", ")", "+", ",", "-", ".", "/", ":", and "?". This parameter is meaningful only if the contact is mail-enabled. |
Fax * | The Fax parameter specifies the contact's fax number. |
TelephoneAssistant * | The TelephoneAssistant parameter specifies the telephone number of the contact's assistant. |
ObjectClass |
Company * | The Company parameter specifies the contact's company. |
PSComputerName |
AssistantName * | The AssistantName parameter specifies the name of the contact's assistant. |
VoiceMailSettings |
Phone * | The Phone parameter specifies the contact's office telephone number. |
Title * | The Title parameter specifies the contact's title. |
Pager * | The Pager parameter specifies the contact's pager number. |
Identity * | The Identity parameter specifies the contact that you want to view. You can use any value that uniquely identifies the contact. For example: Name Display name Distinguished name (DN) Canonical DN GUID |
DistinguishedName * |
PostOfficeBox | The PostOfficeBox parameter specifies the contact's post office box number. |
AdministrativeUnits |
OriginatingServer * |
Name * | The Name parameter specifies the unique name of the contact. The maximum length is 64 characters. If the value contains spaces, enclose the value in quotation marks ("). |
OtherTelephone | The OtherTelephone parameter specifies the contact's alternative office telephone number. |
WebPage * | The WebPage parameter specifies the contact's web page. |
Notes * | The Notes parameters specifies additional information about the object. If the value contains spaces, enclose the value in quotation marks ("). |
WindowsEmailAddress * | The WindowsEmailAddress parameter specifies the Windows email address for this recipient. This is a common Active Directory attribute that's present in all environments, including environments without Exchange. Using the WindowsEmailAddress parameter on a recipient has one of the following results: In on-premises environments where the recipient is subject to email address policies (the EmailAddressPolicyEnabled property is set to the value True for the recipient), the WindowsEmailAddress parameter has no effect on the WindowsEmailAddress property or the primary email address value. In cloud environments or in on-premises environments where the recipient isn't subject to email address policies (the EmailAddressPolicyEnabled property is set to the value False for the recipient), the WindowsEmailAddress parameter updates the WindowsEmailAddress property and the primary email address to the same value. The WindowsEmailAddress property is visible for the recipient in Active Directory Users and Computers in the E-mail attribute. The attribute common name is E-mail-Addresses, and the Ldap-Display-Name is mail. If you modify this attribute in Active Directory, the recipient's primary email address is not updated to the same value. |
UMDtmfMap | The UMDtmfMap parameter specifies the dual-tone multiple-frequency (DTMF) map values for the recipient. This allows the recipient to be identified by using a telephone keypad in Unified Messaging (UM) environments. Typically, these DTMF values are automatically created and updated, but you can use this parameter to make changes manually. This parameter uses the following syntax: emailAddress:<integers> lastNameFirstName:<integers> firstNameLastName:<integers> To enter values that overwrite all existing entries, use the following syntax: emailAddress:<integers>,lastNameFirstName:<integers>,firstNameLastName:<integers>. If you use this syntax and you omit any of the DTMF map values, those values are removed from the recipient. For example, if you specify only emailAddress:<integers>, all existing lastNameFirstName and firstNameLastName values are removed. To add or remove values without affecting other existing entries, use the following syntax: @{Add="emailAddress:<integers>","lastNameFirstName:<integers>","firstNameLastName:<integers>"; Remove="emailAddress:<integers>","lastNameFirstName:<integers>","firstNameLastName:<integers>"}. If you use this syntax, you don't need to specify all of the DTMF map values, and you can specify multiple DTMF map values. For example, you can use @{Add="emailAddress:<integers1>","emailAddress:<intgers2>} to add two new values for emailAddress without affecting the existing lastNameFirstName and firstNameLastName values. |
StreetAddress * | The StreetAddress parameter specifies the contact's physical address. |
WhenCreated * |
SeniorityIndex * | The SeniorityIndex parameter specifies the order in which this contact will display in a hierarchical address book. A contact with a value of 2 will display higher in an address book than a contact with a value of 1. |
UMDialPlan * |
PostalCode * | The PostalCode parameter specifies the contact's postal code. |
ExchangeVersion * |
CountryOrRegion * | The CountryOrRegion parameter specifies the contact's country or region. |
Initials * | The Initials parameter specifies the user's middle initials. |
StateOrProvince * | The StateOrProvince parameter specifies the contact's state or province. |
MobilePhone * | The MobilePhone parameter specifies the contact's primary mobile phone number. |
Office * | The Office parameter specifies the user's physical office name or number. |
ObjectCategory * |
IsValid * |
OrganizationId * |
RecipientType * |
OrganizationalUnit * | The OrganizationalUnit parameter filters the results based on the object's location in Active Directory. Only objects that exist in the specified location are returned. Valid input for this parameter is an organizational unit (OU) or domain that's visible using the Get-OrganizationalUnit cmdlet. You can use any value that uniquely identifies the OU or domain. For example: Name Canonical name Distinguished name (DN) GUID |
WhenChanged * |
WhenChangedUTC * |
DirectReports |
Manager * | The Manager parameter specifies the contact's manager. |
ObjectState * |
GeoCoordinates * | The GeoCoordinates parameter specifies the contact's physical location in latitude, longitude, and altitude coordinates. Use this parameter to specify the global position of the contact's location. You have to specify one of the following sets of coordinates; use semicolons to separate the values: Latitude and longitude For example, "47.644125;-122.122411" Latitude, longitude, and altitude For example, "47.644125;-122.122411;161.432" |
OtherFax | The OtherFax parameter specifies the contact's alternative fax number. |
RunspaceId |
Guid * |
Id * |
HomePhone * | The HomePhone parameter specifies the contact's home telephone number. |