Title | Description | Details | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AdminDisplayName |
AllowedInternationalGroups | The AllowedInternationalGroups parameter specifies the list of international dial group names allowed. The names must match group names defined in the dial plan. The string must have fewer than 128 characters. |
OrganizationId |
DTMFFallbackAutoAttendant | The DTMFFallbackAutoAttendant parameter specifies a secondary UM auto attendant. A secondary UM auto attendant can be used only if the SpeechEnabled parameter is set to $true. |
AllowExtensions | The AllowExtensions parameter specifies whether callers can make calls to extensions that have the same number of digits as the number specified on the dial plan object. The default value is $false. |
PilotIdentifierList | The PilotIdentifierList parameter specifies a list of one or more pilot numbers. Pilot numbers route incoming calls to Mailbox servers. The calls are then answered by the UM auto attendant. |
InfoAnnouncementFilename | The InfoAnnouncementFilename parameter specifies the .wav file to be used for the informational announcement. |
OriginatingServer |
BusinessName | The BusinessName parameter specifies the name of the company or organization being used to generate the UM auto attendant welcome greeting for callers. |
TimeZone | The Timezone parameter specifies the time zone used with the auto attendant. The default time zone is the time zone setting on the server. |
BusinessHoursKeyMappingEnabled | The BusinessHoursKeyMappingEnabled parameter specifies whether the custom menus for business hours are enabled or disabled. The default value is disabled. |
PSShowComputerName |
Status | The Status parameter specifies whether the UM auto attendant being created will be enabled. If this parameter isn't supplied, the UM auto attendant is created but left in a disabled state. |
BusinessHoursWelcomeGreetingEnabled | The BusinessHoursWelcomeGreetingEnabled parameter specifies whether the custom business hours greeting is enabled. The system default audio is used if this parameter is set to disabled. The default value is disabled. |
AllowDialPlanSubscribers | The AllowDialPlanSubscribers parameter specifies whether to allow the dial plan subscribers to dial numbers that are resolved to a subscriber in the same dial plan. The default value is $true. |
NameLookupEnabled | The NameLookupEnabled parameter specifies whether to allow callers to perform directory lookups by dialing the name or by speaking the name. This parameter can prevent callers from connecting to unknown extensions. |
TimeZoneName | The TimeZoneName parameter specifies all or part of a Microsoft Windows time zone display name. The string is compared to the display names in the local system registry to determine a simple contains match. An error is returned if the time zone name isn't correct. |
ObjectClass |
PSComputerName |
SpeechEnabled | The SpeechEnabled parameter specifies whether the UM auto attendant is speech-enabled. The default value is $true. If this parameter is omitted, or if the value is $false, the UM auto attendant isn't speech-enabled. |
BusinessHoursMainMenuCustomPromptEnabled | The BusinessHoursMainMenuCustomPromptEnabled parameter specifies whether the business hours custom main menu prompt is enabled. The default value is disabled. |
BusinessLocation | The BusinessLocation parameter specifies what the Mailbox server should read to the caller who selected the business location option on a UM auto attendant menu. |
SharedUMDialPlan | The SharedUMDialPlan parameter specifies whether the auto attendant being created is linked or associated with a dial plan outside the scope of the organization. If you specify this parameter, the auto attendant can be linked with another tenant's dial plan. This parameter is used during tenant provisioning and is only used in a data center. |
MatchedNameSelectionMethod | The MatchedNameSelectionMethod parameter specifies the selection to use to differentiate between users who have names that match the touchtone or speech input. This setting can be set to the following: Department Title Location None Prompt for alias Inherited from UM dial plan |
AfterHoursMainMenuCustomPromptEnabled | The AfterHoursMainMenuCustomPromptEnabled parameter specifies whether the after business hours custom main menu is enabled. The default value is disabled. |
Identity | The Identity parameter specifies the identifier for the UM auto attendant that's being disabled. |
StarOutToDialPlanEnabled | The StarOutToDialPlanEnabled parameter specifies whether a caller can press the * button on a telephone keypad to get to the Outlook Voice Access welcome greeting when a UM auto attendant menu is played. The default setting is $false. |
DistinguishedName |
UMDialPlan * | The UMDialPlan parameter specifies the UM dial plan identifier for the UM dial plan to be associated with this UM auto attendant. |
Name * | The Name parameter specifies the display name for the UM auto attendant. The display name for the UM auto attendant can contain as many as 64 characters. |
Language | The Language parameter specifies the language used by the UM auto attendant. This language is selected from the list of available dial plan languages. |
WhenCreatedUTC |
ContactAddressList | The ContactAddressList parameter specifies the identity of the address list. If the ContactScope parameter is set to AddressList, this parameter defines the scope for directory searches. |
DefaultMailbox | The DefaultMailbox parameter specifies the mailbox to be used with the ForwardCallsToDefaultMailbox parameter. The mailbox specified must be UM-enabled and associated with the same UM dial plan as the UM auto attendant. |
BusinessHoursMainMenuCustomPromptFilename | The BusinessHoursMainMenuCustomPromptFilename parameter specifies the .wav file to be used for the business hours custom main menu prompt. |
WeekStartDay | The WeekStartDay parameter specifies the starting day of the week. The valid values for this parameter are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. |
WhenCreated |
BusinessHoursSchedule | The BusinessHoursSchedule parameter specifies the hours the business is open. |
AfterHoursKeyMapping | The AfterHoursKeyMapping parameter specifies the key mappings to be used for after business hours for the UM auto attendant. A key mapping is defined as an entry in a table that has as many as 9 entries. The 0 key is reserved for a transfer to the operator. The following is an example for a custom table that has two entries: "Sales, 77899","Service, 78990". The default value is disabled. |
Organization | The Organization parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
ExchangeVersion |
InfoAnnouncementEnabled | The InfoAnnouncementEnabled parameter specifies whether to enable the informational greeting. The default setting is $true. |
CallSomeoneEnabled | The CallSomeoneEnabled parameter specifies whether the Call Someone feature is enabled. The default value is $true. |
AfterHoursMainMenuCustomPromptFilename | The AfterHoursMainMenuCustomPromptFilename parameter specifies the .wav file to be used for the after business hours custom main menu prompt. |
ForwardCallsToDefaultMailbox | The ForwardCallsToDefaultMailbox parameter specifies whether incoming calls received by the UM auto attendant are forwarded. The default is $false. When this is set to $true, all incoming calls to the UM auto attendant are transferred to the UM-enabled mailbox set by the DefaultMailbox parameter. |
BusinessHoursTransferToOperatorEnabled | The BusinessHoursTransferToOperatorEnabled parameter specifies whether to allow call transfers to the operator's extension number during business hours. |
BusinessHoursWelcomeGreetingFilename | The BusinessHoursWelcomeGreetingFilename parameter specifies the .wav file to be used for the welcome message. |
DomainController | This parameter is available only in on-premises Exchange 2013. The DomainController parameter specifies the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the domain controller that writes this configuration change to Active Directory. |
AfterHoursTransferToOperatorEnabled | The AfterHoursTransferToOperatorEnabled parameter specifies whether to allow calls to be transferred to the operator's extension number after business hours. |
AllowedInCountryOrRegionGroups | The AllowedInCountryOrRegionGroups parameter specifies the list of in-country/region dial group names allowed. The names must match group names defined in the dial plan. The string must have fewer than 128 characters. |
HolidaySchedule | The HolidaySchedule parameter specifies the holiday schedule for the organization. The schedule is formatted as an array of strings. Each string contains three parts: Name, which is limited to 64 characters File name for the audio prompt, which is in the .wav format Day (date) of the holiday The following is an example: "Christmas, Christmas.wav, 12/25/2013". |
AfterHoursKeyMappingEnabled | The AfterHoursKeyMappingEnabled parameter specifies whether to enable or disable key mappings for after business hours for the UM auto attendant. A key mapping is defined as an entry in a table that has as many as 9 entries. The 0 key is reserved for a transfer to the operator. The following is an example for a custom table that has two entries: "Sales, 77899","Service, 78990". |
ObjectCategory |
SendVoiceMsgEnabled | The SendVoiceMsgEnabled parameter specifies whether to allow the Send Message feature. |
OperatorExtension | The OperatorExtension parameter specifies the extension number of the operator. If this parameter isn't specified, the dial plan operator is used. If the dial plan operator isn't specified, the feature isn't enabled. |
WhenChanged |
WhenChangedUTC |
AfterHoursWelcomeGreetingEnabled | The AfterHoursWelcomeGreetingEnabled parameter specifies whether the after hours greeting is enabled. The system default audio is used if this parameter is set to disabled. The default value is disabled. |
ContactScope | The ContactScope parameter specifies the scope of the directory search given to callers when they access the UM auto attendant and specify a user's name. |
IsValid |
RunspaceId |
Guid |
ObjectState |
Id |
AfterHoursWelcomeGreetingFilename | The AfterHoursWelcomeGreetingFilename parameter specifies the .wav file to be used for the after hours greeting message. |
BusinessHoursKeyMapping | The BusinessHoursKeyMapping parameter specifies the key mappings for business hours for the UM auto attendant. A key mapping is defined as an entry in a table that has as many as 9 entries. The 0 key is reserved for a transfer to the operator. The following is an example for a custom table that has two entries: "Sales, 77899","Service, 78990". The default is disabled. |